Donald Trump became the second president to win non-consecutive terms. This so far, only happened with President Grover Cleveland in 1892. The US presidential election of 2024 was unlike any other. President Biden was forced out of the race over concerns about his cognitive health. Although Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are both senior citizens, Biden's age became a topic of discussion. The first presidential debate was held before Biden and Trump were made official nominees of their political parties. The error was having President Joseph Biden debate that early. Donald Trump's return to the presidency was the outcome of the public's dissatisfaction with the Biden administration. Kamala Harris replaced Biden, but did not distance herself from his policies. Worsening economic conditions, concerns about immigration, and interventionist foreign policy caused President Biden to slip in the polls. Donald Trump was able to exploit discord, resentment, and disillusioned individuals. Voters who were once Democrats decided to vote for Donald Trump. Libertarians, anti-political establishment voters, and far-right factions are a part of the Trump base. Elon Musk used his resources to assist the Trump campaign. The unusual coalition of groups elected him president both in 2016 and 2024. Donald Trump's loss in 2020 was due to the inadequate response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The election of Joseph Biden was an attempt to go back to a form of normalcy. Instead Americans were faced with inflation, the consequences of escalating the Russia-Ukraine War, and a growing housing crisis. Donald Trump would have never been able to win, if the Biden administration was able to address dire issues. Donald Trump's election in 2024 demonstrates corporate power has an abnormal amount of influence in American politics. Billionaires have created an oligarchy, which only has some institutions of a liberal democratic structure. Donald Trump has been presented as a unique threat by the political establishment. The exaggeration ignores the fact that both political parties are beholden to the business elite, special interest groups, and a number of lobbies. Donald Trump demonized not because of his corruption or crimes, rather he ruined the mythical image honest government. American politics is a corrupt system, yet many want to believe it can be reformed or used for revolutionary change. The Donald Trump presidency dismantled these long held American convictions.
Donald Trump built his wealth through real estate. It was 1976 when the Trump Organization did its major construction project. The renovation of the Commodore Hotel in New York, New York was the beginning of Trump's business career. The United States during this period was in a state of political doubt. The defeat in the Vietnam War and Watergate generated much discord in the American public. The United States was facing an energy crisis, which the Carter administration struggled to control. The economic condition was that of recession between the 1973 and 1975. The desire to see economic prosperity on the scale of the 1950s was desirable. Donald Trump took advantage of the political and economic shifts during the 1970s and 1980s. Donald Trump and the other corporate figures of real estate were the forces behind gentrification. Manhattan was a specific target of pushing low income residents to other areas. When Ronald Reagan was elected president, a policy objective was to deregulate various industries. Simultaneously, housing subsidies were cut. The Regan administration's supply side economic policies enabled Donald Trump to expand his wealth. This began a pattern of Donald Trump not paying taxes based on his income. The Trump Organization was not paying the proper amount of taxes. It was only in 2022 that the Trump Organization was convicted of criminal tax fraud. Corporations and the CEOs avoid any serious punishment. The Trump Organization's criminal behavior is common among large corporations. The influence of corporate power grew so much in the 1990s, it eclipsed political power. Both the Democratic and Republican Party became dependent on campaign donations from corporations. This phenomenon paralleled the monopoly trusts of the early 20th century. At the time, oil and steel were two immense trusts in the US economy. Figures like John D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan were despised for their domination of business. The Theodore Roosevelt administration set about challenging corporate power by breaking up monopolies. Trust busting was the only time in US history in which corporate power was challenged effectively.

By the late 20th century, the government was collaborating with corporate power. The environment allowed Donald Trump to rise as a public figure. Prior to his entry into politics, he would meet with various politicians and celebrities. Donald Trump cultivated an image as being different from other corporate leaders. He did not present himself as hostile to the political establishment, rather an ambassador. This disguised a more malevolent nature. Trump's race prejudice, poor treatment of his employees, and unethical business practices were not subject to scrutiny prior to 2016. Corporate power was not only enabled by Republicans, but by the New Democrats with the election of William Jefferson Clinton. Accommodating corporate power, meant abandoning working class concerns. The shift was to focusing on the middle class and accommodating the business elite resulted in negative consequences. The cost of living increased, while wages remained stagnant. Attaining a middle class or financially secure status was out of reach for most Americans. Donald Trump has done several business ventures. Casinos, gold courses, and a recent venture into cryptocurrency shows profit motive drives Trump's ambitions. Politics is another business project to enrich himself. Corporate power is no longer operating in a furtive manner. Corporate power over the past 50 years has been pushing for an oligarchic system. Neither political party would challenge this , because the preservation of neoliberal capitalism is more important than a democratic government.
Corruption has been a part of American politics throughout its history. Attempts at reform are not successful. Campaign finance reform is discussed, but no substantive action is taken. Presidential campaigns now boast about how much money they raise. Egregious to most of the public, candidates for public office will not attack the practice publicly. Money continues to corrupt a fragile republic. Donald Trump was able to use some campaign funds to pay for legal expenses. A number of lawsuits were directed at him between 2022 and 2023. Taking campaign funds to pay for legal expenses demonstrates the corrupt nature of American politics. Donations from voters and other organizations should be used for getting elected to office. Kamala Harris campaign generated a total of $1billion. Despite getting funds from other companies, her website was asking voters to donate money. This comes at a time when Americans struggle with inflation. After the loss of the 2024 election, Kamala was asking voters to donate to cover certain debts accumulated during the campaign. What can be speculated is the Kamala Harris campaign was spending more than they were supposed to. The irresponsible mismanagement of funds borders on embezzlement. The existing laws are too weak or there remain loopholes that make it difficult to charge. Voter power is being undermined by not only the candidates, but by other entities. Political action committees, lobbies, and corporations have more control over the US Congress . A Democratic or Republican running for president would be more responsive to these entities than the general public. The Israel-Gaza War made voters question Middle East policy. The desire for change related to the Israel-US relationship was expressed by various constituencies. Protests did not change the presidential candidates' positions on Israel. Both favored arming the country despite human rights violations and war crimes. The reason is that AIPAC maintains connections to both political parties. The healthcare system will not be improved for the reason of insurance company lobbies. Legislation is stopped before it is even voted on. Super PACs might not be able to directly contribute to a political party or candidate, however their funds make it easier for their agenda setting objective. Donald Trump's involvement in politics was a natural choice. The corporate world functions on a similar system of corruption, which is why Trump was able to get elected to the office.
The political establishment has a distain for Trump for a number of reasons. A political neophyte won the presidency twice. The second time was more irksome considering it happened with a number of lawsuits in progress. Donald Trump cannot be controlled nor does he adhere to Washington based norms. Donald Trump continues to remold the political landscape. While Donald Trump is not anti-war and expresses sympathy with imperialist views, he does not share the neoconservative foreign policy vision. The rise of the MAGA movement produced an unanticipated reaction. Neoconservative Republicans and political centrist Democrats formed an alliance, which was not possible in the 2000s. The Bush era was another period of extreme division. The Iraq War and the Afghan War split both political parties. Bipartisanship could not function under a Bush administration. When voters went to the polls in 2008 and 2012, they hoped for genuine change. President Barack Obama was unsuccessful in addressing the economic challenges the population was facing. Discussion of change was not enough. When Donald Trump entered the race in 2016, he took a more vituperative and vexed tone. Donald Trump channeled the frustrations, fears, and sadness of people who were left behind by globalization and neoliberal capitalism. Voters who selected Obama previously cast ballots for Trump. The group of former Democrat voters selecting Trump occurred in 2024. The public has felt that two party system is not working for them. Voting for Trump in 2016 was an act disappointment for those who desired a change to the American political system. The Democrats who voted for Trump in 2024 was rage directed at the poor performance by the Biden administration. The political establishment refused to acknowledge the changes domestically or on a global scale. Tactics that would have worked in 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012 were no loner relevant. The political establishment then cited that Donald Trump was a fascist or collaborating with the Russian Federation. These accusations are not credible criticisms. Donald Trump ended the INF Treaty which did not work in Russia's favor. Fascism is a right-wing political ideology that promotes aggressive nationalism. Donald Trump's racism is based on paleoconservative convictions closer to Pat Buchanan.. Donald Trump as authoritarian tendencies, but classifying him under a fascist totalitarian designation would not be correct. The political establishment is not concerned about rights or freedoms. The objective is to maintain the status quo. Some of the anti-Trump Republicans and moderate Democrats share some of his hatreds and xenophobic attitudes. Their repudiation of him is not for a noble cause, rather to maintain the myth of an honorable country.
Donald Trump was able to market himself and the MAGA movement. The Democratic Party does not have an adequate response to this. The politically motivated lawsuits such as the classified documents case and the inflated values of his real estate properties helped his presidential campaign. Rather than focus on serious issues, the conversation was shifted. Donald Trump switched the subject to the culture war and Kamala Harris turned to identity politics. The focus on Trans rights was mentioned in negative terms , while the opposing view was an emphasis on inclusion. Wokeness, cancel culture, or anti-SJW sentiment are not relevant to most people. These ideas and beliefs are pertinent to workplaces or entertainment. The culture war is not determining the status of the economy, employment levels, crime, immigration, or foreign policy. To an extent political correctness created an atmosphere for Donald Trump and the MAGA movement to rise. Certain subjects or topics were not meant to be discussed for the sake of preventing offense. What happened was that political correctness was being used to censor opinions or perspectives some did not want to hear. Immigration was one of those concerns. While particular comments can be rude or insulting, people were being attacked for expressing a view that was not intended to be offensive. Political correctness was used to stifle expression of various opinions in public discourse. Donald Trump challenged this by being a vitriolic and vituperative. By marketing himself as being outrageous, Donald Trump was able to get more media attention. Any other political figure if they expressed views in that manner would be repudiated. Donald Trump when he was host of The Apprentice created a public persona of churlish and unfiltered speaker. CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News only amplified this image. While Trump despises the corporate media, it is understood that it is platform for marketing himself. When Trump makes a statement and the media reacts it only empowers him. Annexing Greenland, taking the Panama Canal back, or making Canada part of the US generated panic among corporate media circles. These events will not happen, but Trump understands that words have power.
Donald Trump now has another term as president. Some wonder of the current administration will be the same as the 2017 to 2020. Based on the first term and the current political conditions a general prediction can be made. Immigration is going to experience some crackdowns. However, the H-1B visa programs will not be effected. The reason is because corporations want to exploit a section of skilled immigrant labor. President Donald Trump might want mass deportations, but there are obstacles to this. Legal challenges are to be anticipated. The amount of spending required would be immense . This includes transportation, law enforcement, and detention centers need funding. The MAGA movement is starting to show political factionalism. The H-1B visa support by Trump vexed many in the MAGA movement. The populist and working class section is experiencing tension with the more wealthy influencers. Elon Musk represents this divide. The more working class section of MAGA is suspicious of the tech billionaires. The religious right remains with Trump, so long as he remains anti-LGBTQ. To placate that section of the constituency more anti-Trans legislation will be proposed. The actions done will not create complete unity in the MAGA movement. Although intolerant, the movement has assorted group of people. Donald Trump was able to gain more African American and Latino voters in 2024. The majority of African Americans have voted Democrat since the 1960s. Now that loyal base is shifting. The reason could be that Democrats took the African American vote for granted. The United States is going to be more paleoconservative and functioning on a xenophobic nativist model. Economics during this second term is going to follow supply-side policies. The Biden administration did not attempt to repeal the Trump era tax cuts. Increasing tariffs will not solve inflation or prevent an economic downturn. The only way tariffs could be effective is if the US had a powerful manufacturing base. Most of those occupations have been outsourced and the idea of brining manufacturing back is not possible. Economic conditions were on the decline with Biden, but will continue under Trump. Foreign policy might be different. President Trump implied he wants the Russia-Ukraine War to end. This does not mean that the US will completely disengage in Eastern Europe. Conflict with China, Venezuela, or Iran is possible. President Donald Trump has made enemies in both the Republican and Democratic Party. What President Trump accomplishes is dependent on the House of Representatives and the Senate. His election is not the beginning of an oppressive regime. Donald Trump's rise was a culmination of America's hatreds, failed promises, and lies.
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