Friday, October 4, 2019

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi States That The President Violated His Oath of Office

The impeachment inquiries are underway against President Donald Trump. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has stated that the president had violated his oath of office by seeking foreign assistance. President Trump requested in July that Volodymyr Zelensky investigate Hunter Biden's business investments and links in Ukraine. President Donald Trump may have been anticipating that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden would be his challenger in 2020. The claim is that he was using extortion as a means to give him an advantage for getting a second term. So far, members of the Trump White House have been implicated including  Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Impeachment will not result in President Trump's removal from office, seeing as the Senate is Republican dominated. There simply are not enough votes. The impeachment process may be too late. If it were to be effective, it should have happened after the Muller Report. The only way it could be a political gain is if it has a negative impact of President Trump's attempt at getting re-elected. The Republican Party still has support for his administration despite the number of scandals and investigations. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi  waited too long to take action against a president that may be abusing the office. Impeachment may not be enough to energize Democratic voters and especially the youth, women, and African American demographic. While impeachment could effect President Trump's poll numbers, it is not enough to get the Republican Party and his supporters to repudiate him.   

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