Monday, December 19, 2016

Ethiopian PM Says State of Emergency Was Warranted

Ethiopia is in a state of crisis. Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn has ordered the government to block social media sites for fear it will incite ethnic conflict and violence. A state of  emergency has been declared after conflicts in regards to the Oromo ethnic group. The Oromo have faced racial discrimination and harassment. They are no longer willing to be subjected to oppression and want equal rights as Ethiopian citizens. This ban on social media could be a way for the government to stop dissent in the East African nation. Ethiopia has faced numerous challenges which include the fall out from the Arab Spring, the contention with Egypt in regards to dam projects, and involvement in Somalia. One question remains which many have feelings of trepidation about. Will the state of emergency remain permanent? This has been done in numerous countries for a ruling group to maintain power indefinitely. What also seems disturbing is the disregard for free speech. Hate speech is deplorable, but to prohibit it endangers free speech itself. Then what exactly could hate speech legally be defined as? This attempted ban on hate speech could silence advocates for human rights and social justice. The TPLF must realize that there is one Ethiopia and the Oromo have the right to contribute to it as much as they do. That means releasing Merera Gudina and allowing the Oromo People's Congress to function in government. If not, Ethiopia will never reach its goals of attaining stability, development, and its place as a continental leader of Africa.     

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

UN condemns takeover of Gambia's Electoral body by military

President Jammeh only days after electoral defeat has revoked his concession of the office. He is now demanding a recount and the military has now taken over the Electoral Commission. West African leaders have met with President Jammeh to urge him to accept the results. Ellen Sirleaf and Muhammadu Buhari met with the Jammeh on the behalf of ECOWAS nations. The fear is that the situation could lead to civil war spilling into other countries. Simultaneously, the UN condemnation could lead to the authorization of military force by Western powers. President Jammeh's party is also challenging the electoral results in the Supreme Court of Gambia. The UN could have disrupted a peaceful negotiation for the transfer of power. The ECOWAS delegation was attempting to solve an African problem, without having external intervention. Gambia is now being threatened with sanctions. The question that now comes is what will happen if President Jammeh does not leave office?  The possibilities are not pleasant prospects. There could be scenarios similar to Ivory Coast or Libya. This is only the beginning of a long struggle. Only time will tell where it might lead.     

Monday, December 12, 2016

Taiwan, Trump, and China

Donald Trump broke standard diplomatic protocol by contacting Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen. This violates the 1979 agreement in which the US severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan in exchange for normal relations. These actions by Donald Trump not only show a lack of finesse in international relations, but a pugnacious nature in relation to China. This has been seen by China as a provocation. The country has already become suspicious of the Asia pivot of the Obama administration, which has been seen as encirclement. There is growing tension among the US and China. Disagreements over trade, interventions, and general attitudes toward international law are rife. Donald Trump has he transitions to the office of US president has found in China a convenient scapegoat. During the campaign he constant stated that "Japan and China are ripping us off." This resonated with working class whites who have been squeezed out of the labor market, due to the changes brought on by globalization. The manufacturing jobs and production centers have been outsourced overseas to developing nations. China is not the only country in which these jobs go, but much of the anger is directed at this country. The reason is based around sinophobia and racism. The United States and China are edging closer to open hostility and conflict. The United States wants to remain the sole superpower and targets nations that could be potential competitors. The United States could be possibly preparing for a direct confrontation with China, with the Taiwan's assistance. This process may not be immediate, but a gradual one over a number of years. A Donald Trump presidency lacking skill could quickly escalate a volatile situation. Directing American frustration away from internal problems by hate is a method used to ease pressure off a presidential administration. This becomes even more dangerous with a Taiwanese president that does not want to negotiate with Beijing.  
       Taiwan and China are still stuck in a conflict that was part of the Cold War. China during the 20th century was undergoing major revolutions. The first was the 1911 push for a democratic system under Sun Yat-sen. The Republic of China was fragile and was later challenged by the warlords. They only way they could be defeated was by the force of the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomingtang. The year 1927 saw an end to the control of the warlords, but China then was plunged into civil war. Chiang Kai-shek established a government having authoritarian control. Mao Zedong wanted to remove this government and establish a communist state. Kai-shek wanted to eliminate the communists and have absolute control of  China. His defense policy was focused so much on the CCP that he ignored the threat that came from the Japanese Empire. Manchuria was invaded in 1931 and full scale war broke out in 1937. The Chinese Civil war was merely interrupted and with the defeat of imperial Japan the CCP and the Kuomingtang could not reconcile. Ultimately, Mao Zedong was triumphant driving Kai-shek to Taiwan. Ever since 1949 Taiwan and China have been enemies. The administration of Ma Ying-jeou was seeking dialogue with the mainland. Meetings with president Xi Jingping  appeared as if a new era could emerge. However, with the election Tsai Ing-wen the policy is gradually being reversed. The Democratic Progressive Party has a platform that is pro-independence and prefers not to have dialogue with the People's Republic of China.

Although her presidency is still in  its infancy, evidence suggest a more aggressive stance. There have been indications that under president Tsai Ing-wen is building up the armed forces. She has according to The South China Morning Post  requested reforms to the defense ministry to draft in January of 2017. President Ing-wen has claimed that there are both internal and external inefficiencies that plague the Taiwanese military. Speaking at a military drill her emphasis she claimed was not directed at China. The attempt to make this appear as defensive rather than offensive does not deceive the public. It has been common knowledge that relations continue to be strained between Taiwan and China. Military experts in Taiwan have claimed that their army is weak relative to the strength of the People's Liberation Army. These fears of a Chinese invasion seem to be paranoid, but there is an element of truth. Mao did make an attempt to strike at Taiwan in 1958. Then there was the Taiwan Strait missile crisis of 1995- 1996. These incidents have built mistrust between Taiwan and China. A military build-up or belligerence will never be a solution. This could encourage not only confrontation, but other Asian nations to start build-ups of their own. Japan already wants to discard its pacifist constitution and the Shinzo Abe government was a program of militarization. North Korea reacting from US actions in Asia continues to pursue a nuclear weapons program. Vietnam concerned about the growing power of China would also respond. 

Taiwan appears to want to assert its independence. The reality is that has been independent in a de-facto sense in relation to the mainland. President Tsai Ing-wen has articulated that the army must perform better as a fighting force. There have been accidents during military drills, which may explain these statements that were given back in August of 2016. There could be attempts in the future to establish a formal break away from mainland China. There is also a strong desire to upgrade military equipment. Taiwan buys most of its weapons and equipment from the United States. The United States also agreed to a $1.8 billion arms deal with Taiwan. This decision  by the Obama administration made sense if he wanted his Asia pivot to be a success. Other nations in Asia were courted including Australia, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, which is morphing into an anti-China coalition. The deteriorating relations with the mainland could be politically helpful to Tsai Ing-wen. Issues such as political appointments, the missile firing incidents, and labor protests are challenges. China could be a unifying for among the public and deflect attention away from government failures. Tsai Ing-wen won the election with a landslide, but public support is dissipating . The reason she was elected is that Taiwanese were fearful that closer relations with China would mean the loss of sovereignty. Ma-Ying Jeou  was seen as representing big business and having closer connections to the mainland. The general view is that these changes would not benefit Taiwanese as a whole. Working conditions and lay off compensation are contentious issues. Although there are admirable goals like improving the lives of aboriginal Taiwanese and pension reform these will not  be  accomplished under a government that is military focused.  While nations retain the right to defend themselves from aggression, these measures seem to be provocative in behavior. 
          The complexities of Asian politics and diplomacy require a leader with a greater understanding of history and geography. Donald Trump has no comprehensive foreign policy. He won the 2016 election not describing it or giving lucid answers. His followers do not care about the intricacies of international affairs. Donald Trump's understanding of the world is limited. Based on his contradictory and sometimes false statements an image emerges. Trump sees China as an enemy, even though relations were established under the Nixon administration. The circumstances were not that the US saw the error in its behavior acting belligerent to China, but that it was losing the war in Vietnam. China being a supporter of the North Vietnamese, had much influence. The reason North Vietnam was not invaded with ground troops was the fear of Chinese reaction. President Nixon thought he could win the war by negotiation with China and simultaneously during combat over to the South Vietnamese army. This was a failure and America was driven from Indochina. China moved closer to the United States when relations deteriorated with the Soviet Union. The Sino-Soviet split had major international implications. The communist world became divided. After the death of Mao, China moved toward a free market system. Deng Xiaoping instituted these reforms, which had negative consequences. Inequality in terms of income increased and political reforms did not advance . This was ironic considering the manufacturing sector was successful. This is the root of America's growing enmity towards China. The outsourcing of manufacturing jobs has been blamed on China. Trump has repeated this fabrication as a candidate and president elect. Outsourcing is the product of neoliberal capitalism. Donald Trump's companies have benefited from this at the cost of American workers, yet working class whites cannot comprehend this. They voted for him in the rust belt and economically depressed areas of the United States. Whites of significant financial means were supportive of his anti-regulation stance. Donald Trump instead of formulating policy has presented China as well as immigration as the route of America's problems. It is no secret he hold racial hatred and this is just one more group he targets. The United States has a long history of anti-Asian racism. The Chinese were subject to discrimination and violence when arriving to the United States. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was designed to stop Chinese emigration to the US. Chinese laborers then as well as now were blamed for economic struggle. Donald Trump articulates a modern day nativist racism. It extends beyond just excluding a group, but demonizing an entire country and its people. 
      China is today the world's second largest economy and a world power. This has made countries such as Japan, Taiwan,  Vietnam, and South Korea nervous. The United States has utilized this fear to its advantage. There is a narrative developing which presents China with ambitions for global dominance. This is not the case. China's policies in Africa disprove any plans for mass empire. There are business contacts between Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Chad, Sudan, and South Sudan. There never demands for military bases or the adaption of Chinese political ideology. The US and its Western allies demand that all governments be liberal democracies, based on their form of governance. The US continues to build this narrative of an expanding China, but the reality is America is intruding in the Pacific. 

The Obama administration's pivot to Asia has created a hostile atmosphere. If one examine the location of US bases and installations it appears as if China is being encircled. US analysts claim that this is not directed at China, but North Korea. This does not seem plausible, due to the fact that the South Korean military seems equally capable of  fighting North Korea. Japan could respond if such a conflict were to erupt. North Korea's military strength is not equivalent to the US. However, the United States presents this nation as a major danger and threat. These bases are not a response to a nuclear North Korea, because the arsenal they attempt to build will never be on the same level as the United States and China. The United States is trying to stop and rival competitors in global influence. Japan also wants to challenge China. It is doing so by reaching out to African nations. Japan also wants to build up its military for as the Shinzo Abe government claims, peace keeping missions. These new policies are not directed at keeping peace, but preparing for confrontation. The mistrust of China has led Asian nations to side with the United States which is transforming into an zone of influence. President Xi Jingping unlike his other Asian neighbors does not have a problem associating with Russia. The response to a more aggressive US has caused closer ties between China and Russia. The South China Sea dispute has caused China to reassess certain security measures. Increasing US presence in the Pacific and the expansion of NATO in Europe will cause Russia and China to have even deeper military relations as well. The world is gradually being divided into rival alliance systems, which could result in mass global conflict. The contact  with Taiwan made by Donald Trump could be seen as a provocation. Taiwan could be used in a proxy war against China in a Donald Trump presidency. The only problem is that their military is not at an equivalent strength. There also could be the prospect of a US led coalition against China. This would require that Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, and the Philippines participate. This possible plan would also have complications, seeing as the Rodrigo Duterte presidency wants to close US bases. The country is gradually aligning with China and Russia. China has become more defensive with feelings of trepidation their country will be the next target of regime change. 
      It is not an exaggeration to say that the situation is precarious. There is a US president elect who is unprepared and unqualified for office. A de-facto  independent island that desires to assert  itself militarily, which caused ire in Beijing. President Obama made a mistake of increasing US military presence in Asia-Pacific. The conservative administration will continue to expand upon this, which could lead to war. This war would not only involve the US and China. It would escalate to include their allies. Combined with the rhetoric coming from Trump and his racist associates, this could become one of the worst conflagrations of the 21st century. The problem with US foreign policy is that it functions on an antiquated world view. It assumes that the world shall be unipolar, rather than multipolar in terms of international relations. The United States continues to engage in warfare against nations that disagree with its foreign policies or commit acts of sabotage against one's that resist. Now the US is on a collision course with a nation that is essential to the global economy. As relations continue to deteriorate, a global war seems inevitable. The only hope is that US debt to China will act as a form of leverage. The US and Chinese economy is too interconnected to risk a full scale war. However, with growing sinophobia and racism in the United States this may not prevent possible incidents. Donald Trump once said that it was better for Asian nations to obtain nuclear weapons and be responsible for their own security. Trump also stated that the US should leave NATO . These are mere promises, which will not be fulfilled in for or possibly eight years. Trump's policies in Asia could either teeter toward military intervention or inactivity. It is certain that Taiwan will begin to play a role in developments to come.          

Further Reading 

"Tsai Urges Army to Perform Better." TODAYonline. Today, 26 Aug. 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. <>.

"Taiwan's Tsai Ing-wen Orders Revamp of Military Strategy, Weapons Upgrade." South China Morning Post. South China Morning Post, 25 Aug. 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. <>.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Gambia's President Jammeh concedes defeat

President Yahya Jammeh  in power since 1994 has been defeated at the polls. This is significant for a president who once said "he would rule for a billion years." Jammeh has stated he will not contest the results and that the opposition candidate had won. This change comes as a number of  longtime African leaders have either been deposed internally or their nations invaded. Blaise Compore, Hosni Mubarak, Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, Francois Bozize, and Muammar Qaddafi are leaders no longer in power. It appears that Jammeh wants a smooth transition,  but rarely do regimes that have lasted so long disappear quietly. The fear of ethnic conflict may be a factor in his recent decisions. However, this does not mean ethnic conflict or civil unrest is completely avoided. There could be Jammeh supporters who may not accept the electoral results and take up arms. A post-Jammeh Gambia could become unstable, if the new administration does not make adjustments. The possibility of political factionalism is high and there is a level of tension. The bigger question remains is if the president elect Adama Burrow can meet the needs of Gambian citizens. He has promised free education and healthcare including an end to the persecution of political opposition. These promises may not be delivered considering the poor economic conditions and high unemployment rate. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

UN warns of increased rights violations in South Sudan, calls for sanctions

The balkanization of South Sudan continues as the situation is becoming a civil war. The United Nations now wants to impose sanctions on the young nation. Yasmin Sooka chairperson of the UN Commission on Human Rights proposed an arms embargo and targeted sanctions. The South Sudanese government has stated that sanctions would be counter productive in the mist of Neur and Dinka ethnic tension combined with political factionalism. The peace agreement must be implemented, but this can only happen if both parties accept  the terms and conditions. The UN Commission has pressured the AU to establish a committee to prosecute those responsible for violence. They want evidence gathered from 2013 to present when the conflict broke out. The problem with this process is it is a world body prosecuting African leaders. If Africans committed crimes against other Africans it should African nations that punish them not the ICC or UN. Ethiopia has contributed to mediation efforts, but has not bee given support by the UN. If action is to be taken it should be not in a cautious manner to prevent further destabilization. The possible effects could resonate in Uganda, Chad, the Darfur region, Kenya, and the African Central Republic. 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

RIP Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro revolutionary leader of Cuba from 1959 to 2006 passed away November, 26 2016. Cuba has proclaimed nine days of mourning for the former leader of the island nation. To the developing world he was a champion of anti-colonial politics and to the West he was considered an enemy. His deeds show that he was a man of integrity with a profound desire for social justice. Fidel Castro sent troops to Angola and aided the ANC as well as SAWPO in the fight against white minority rule in the Southern African region. Cuba under his rule was able to expel US imperial designs by challenging US owned sugar plantations and the United Fruit Company. There were improvements to education and healthcare on the island. Fidel Castro although he recognized and was allied with the Soviet Union, never adopted their political orthodoxy. Unlike Eastern Europe, Cuba pursued an independent foreign policy. He reached out to Asian and Africa leaders in the spirit of solidarity against neocolonial domination. The world has lost a talented statesman, leader, and philosopher. Toward the end of his life he worked for the cause of nuclear disarmament. Fidel Castro will not only be remembered as a Latin American icon, but a symbol for revolutionaries around the world. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Anti-Trump Protests Erupt Across USA (VIDEO)

The 2016 election saw the victory of a populist and billionaire outsider now politician Donald Trump. His rhetoric during his campaign was filled with anti-immigrant, anti-black, and anti-leftist hate. Hillary Clinton allowed a scandal regarding her e-mails destroy her chances for the US presidency. Although she was not as deserving due to her past actions as Secretary of State, Donald Trump lacks the basic leadership experience. He has never been a senator, congressman, lawyer, or governor. The hate he generated has now comeback in the form of protests around the United States. These protests will probably get bigger and he has not yet assumed office. The recent meeting with Trump with President Obama proved to be awkward in manner and conduct. A Republican dominated the House and the Senate can only mean a period of  extreme right conservative rule. The only chance is that political factionalism in the Republican Party can stop Trump from enacting certain policies. Simultaneously, protests could help in obstructing the function of his administration. Trump's poor relations with the press could also cause him harm. While both President Obama and Hillary Clinton said they want to see the president elect to be successful, ultimately it would be the decline of the US . His failure should be hoped for, because of the platforms and promises that could negatively effect vast sections of the population. The 2016 election demonstrated that white Americans would rather see their nation destroyed, then live with other ethnic groups. Racism was the major motivation for the white rural population voting in larger numbers. Combined with a struggling economy, non-whites are always the scapegoat. Its uncertain what America's future is, but it will not be a positive result.   

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Robert Mugabe to President Zuma later this week

President Robert Mugabe and President Jacob Zuma are going to meet this week to discuss economic and political matters. This is significant because Zimbabwe is looking to import more energy from South Africa. A number of bilateral agreements are underway. This act of collaboration is both symbolic and should be a model that is replicated. African nations should work together to solve continent wide issues. What will also be discussed at these meetings will be visa deals for students and the status of migrant workers in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe has to fix its trade deficit and combat a struggling economy. Western sanctions do not help, but China has provided some protection. Last April, President Mugabe made his first state visit to South Africa in twenty years. President Zuma will be coming to Harare on Wednesday. Africa needs solidarity now more than ever. The threat of  Western economic domination and military strikes is a lugubrious reality. Security measures will also be discussed between the two nations.  

Monday, October 31, 2016

The Myth of a Civilized Society

Humanity often wants to place its self above other animals. The belief that humanity is something special and unique has been a common theme in various forms of thought. When people are asked to give the general idea of what makes us human some concepts are established. The argument is that humankind has a conscience, morals, and civilization. People use the example of civilization and society to prove that humanity is above animals. However, this conviction lacks cogency. Human beings are just like any other animal. The power of our intelligence and reasoning have allowed us to advance beyond certain limitations. Humanity at its core is violent and destructive. These are animal like behaviors that still are with us from an evolutionary past. The idea that civilization or society tames the more violent tendencies of humankind is a falsehood. The structure of a civil society, government, law, and community were designed to control these abhorrent behaviors. Yet, they project themselves in more devastating forms. What  could seem like a just and civilized society, could be committing horrendous acts against individuals and groups. Crime, state sponsored violence , and war are prevalent through out human history. The civilized society that people have idolized was a mere vision. It was designed to comfort and delude individuals attempting to understand violence in a world of chaos.
      Crime is present in every society. Violent crime is more repulsive in act. Murder, rape, and mass shootings are just a few aberrations. There are sociological reasons for its existence. Economic decline and limited education can cause its increase. It could also have some biological roots. The criminally insane such as serial killers, may have a neruoanatomical disorder. There are some so violent that cannot live among others in society. The basis of law enforcement was to protect citizens from harm or danger from such individuals. However, police brutality demonstrates that police are on the same level as criminals. The recent police shootings of unarmed civilians in America show that the phrase "to serve in protect" have no meaning. Police are not in society to protect people, but to control. The ruling class of a state or nation use them to impose their will on the people that reside in their territory. The people who are of an oppressed ethnic group or working class have the most violence directed at them. Certain circumstances just the threat of violence is enough to terrify the population into submission. If the police commit crimes, it tarnishes the concept of the rule of law. Theoretically, the law should apply equally to all people no matter what their race, sex, or socioeconomic status. The problem is if a police officer commits a violent act, they are more likely not to face prosecution. The limited desire to rectify these behaviors shows that their is a deep predilection for violence in human societies. The existence of capital punishment also reveals a conundrum. If one believes murder is unethical then capital punishment creates cognitive dissonance. The argument is that a criminal may be so lethal, that it would keep other people in peril letting them live. Individuals who agree murder is unethical will contradict themselves by saying there are certain cases in which capital punishment is necessary. The difference it is murder conducted by the state and it is viewed as legitimate. When individuals citizens commit murder it is more unacceptable, because the state is trusted. Both actions are in fact heinous, but the state justifies it as an act of public safety.   This function of the state does not seem like the attribute of a civilized society.
      State sponsored violence has been a part of history and may not disappear in the future. Every state uses some form of violence against their people. This occurs in both democratic and authoritarian models of government. The United States has been notorious in this regard. The oppression of African Americans and other non-white peoples had the support of the state. Jim Crow laws and segregation were rigidly imposed through force. Native American removal had the blessing of the federal government. The US Calvary was sent West with the task of killing Native Americans and making the land suitable for white settlement. The United States of the 21st century still uses state sponsored violence to stop protests. The freedom of assembly is a freedom guaranteed by the US Constitution. Yet, every Black Lives Matter protest, anti-war demonstration, or environmental protection protest is either hindered or attacked by police. The difference with authoritarian regimes is that they are more blatant in their use of force. Leaders like Idriss Deby of Chad  or Omar Al-Bashir of Sudan have the military and police use force against their populations. The Gulf monarchies of the Middle East function on the same model. Egypt and Algeria have what are referred to as security services. The general security services are not for public safety, but to inflict harm on a population if it attempts to overthrow the existing regime. Secret police also hunt people who are either attempting to resist or criticize the government. Nazi Germany had the Gestapo to torture potential threats and the NKVD of the Soviet Union committed similar acts. Terrorizing or torturing particular groups or citizens in a society seems to be a regular occurrence. Many times these acts a hidden from public view. Water boarding has been used extensively by the US in its interrogation of terrorist suspects. Torture is used in both democratic and authoritarian countries. The idea of a civilized society collapses even further  when it becomes more acceptable. States across the world engage in it.  It does not matter what system of government is in place, because these criminal acts emerge regularly.
       War is one of the worst forms of violence. The calculated destruction of people and nations has devastating effects. The worlds great civilizations whether it was Rome, Greece, Mali, Songahi, Ghana, or China were built on warfare. The conquest and the destruction of states or kingdoms was prevalent. The major turning point came with the age of exploration. Spain, Portugal, England, and France went to the New World to establish new trade routes. The result was the destruction of the Amerindian civilizations of both North and South America. The Inca, Aztec, and Maya empires vanished under the onslaught of European invaders. The war for expansion did not stop there. It continued into Asia and Africa. Gradually, new powers entered such as the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy. The competition for resources and economic dominance was sending the world down a path constant conflict. When European powers colonized a majority of the Earth, the only conclusion they reached was to fight among themselves. World War I caused more havoc than any war at that point in history. Millions of soldiers died fighting in the trenches and on various continents. The aftermath saw the collapse of the Russian, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian empires. There were also small scale conflicts leading up to the second World War. Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931, while Germany absorbed the Rhineland and later Austria including Czechoslovakia. Italy wage aggressive war against Ethiopia. The Soviet Union was at war with Finland and the Baltic states. These disputes may have seemed isolated, but were an indication of a much larger conflict to come. World War II was more vicious in the sense that more civilian life was lost. Technology had advanced so that tanks , planes, and guns were more powerful. The war culminated in the use of nuclear weapons in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan was no longer willing to fight in the face of more nuclear attacks.The United Nations was then formed to prevent mass global conflict. This has not been accomplished, because there are cases in which the organization encourages military action. It was powerless to stop the wars of proxy by the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War. The end of the Soviet Union made it so the United States could not be challenged. A policy of constant warfare has been in place and the US has involvement on every continent. Sanguinary acts are now justified by human rights and democracy promotion. The past justifications were more overt in their racism. The argument of the Western powers was that African and Asian nations were not "civilized" and there for needed European guidance. This dichotomy between "civilized" West and "barbaric" East was a product of social Darwinism and imperialism. The rhetoric has changed, but the the beliefs have not. Europe and the US still want to wage war against the non-white peoples of the globe. What exacerbates warfare on the globe is that major powers interfere with internal conflicts of particular countries. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, and Sudan are places where the West either arms factions or attacks directly. Warfare is about as old as humanity itself and it will not solved by UN  peace keeping.
       The common forms of violence of crime, state sponsored violence, and war prove that a civilized society could have never existed. It was an ideal that was thought by visionaries who hoped to curb humanity's more repulsive characteristics. Even when certain institutions are in place to either control these negative attributes, they also become contaminated with corruption. If this behavior is to continue humankind may eradicate itself. The people have been convinced or either just accept that  the current system or state of affairs is legitimate, because  they believe their is no alternative. Violence is not unique to the human species. The animal kingdom seems to have it in the same extent . Competition for mates and food are a part of survival in nature, but humanity has taken it to a new level. Avarice, hatred, and narcissism are driving some individuals. The repercussions are grotesque acts violence. While it is part of nature, some of it is our environment. If one lives in a society were war, torture, and the glorification of violence is considered normal, then it will not be repugnant to them. Brutality is happening in some form its just that it may not be visible. The US continues to bomb areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan with the use of drones. These are called surgical strikes and often kill civilians rather than the terrorist group they claim to be fighting. The reaction from people in those countries is to arm themselves against aggression. Thus starts an endless cycle of bloodshed from which there is no return. There will be no hope unless the rule of law is respected and there is a paradigm shift. That means the upper class elite must be subject to the law just like other citizens. It requires that nations are subject to international law no matter how powerful they are. It means that police and law enforcement cannot escape murdering people without consequence. These are possible solutions. It should be understood that civilized society is a concept that one exists as a non-physical abstract thought. What currently functions is controlled and regulated violence. The opposite of this would be a failed state in which their is no functional leadership and the most armed run a country. If the power structure can be dismantled and restructured  to benefit all members in a state or nation, only then will a civilized society emerge.    

Sunday, October 30, 2016

France begins to clear Calais camp - BBC News

A mass refugee crisis that is plaguing Europe has now become unmanageable. The Calais camp in France has gradually been cleared by force. The Western media presents an image of refugees as criminals and terrorists instead of the victims of imperialism and radical political Islamism. The repercussions of the Arab Spring caused disorder in the Middle East and North Africa, causing people to flee. The UK, US, France, and the NATO alliance escalated it further by embarking on a policy of regime change in Libya and Syria. As long as the bombings continue in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and North Africa more refugees will come. The vicious face of European racism is showing in electoral victories of far-right parties across Europe. Utilizing the fear and hate of European populations parties like the UK Independence Party, Le Pen's National Front, Paideia,  and  the Alternative for Germany are gaining more power. Populism, xenophobia, and racial hatred are creating a more rabid aggressive European nationalism. This is further complicated by a new wave of anti-Russian sentiment and NATO build-up in Eastern Europe and the Baltic. The image of a human rights promoting Europe as been proven a fabrication.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

South Africa Withdraws from the ICC

South Africa has withdrawn from the ICC. This is a great show of national sovereignty. The ICC only prosecutes African and Asian leaders who are guilty of war crimes or violations of international la. The International Crimes Court is not about justice, but making formerly colonized countries submit to former imperial masters. The counter argument is that it emboldens authoritarian regimes, but the court does not go after leaders that are Western aligned. Several times the ICC has requested South Africa arrest Omar Al-Bashir president of Sudan, while on state visits. Each time South Africa has refused. President Bashir is culpable of wrong doing in Darfur and Chad, but Europeans have no right to punish him. That should be the choice of the Sudanese citizens. The ICC is obviously biased against non-white leaders. It presents the image that Africans are the worse human rights abusers, when the West has waged war on multiple fronts. Leaders from the UK, France, or the United States will never face trial. South Africa has made the right decision. It will reverberate across the continent. Burundi is also looking to leave the ICC. South Africa is not betraying human rights; it is saving it from imperialism disguised as justice. If every African state leaves the ICC this can challenge the European threat. The goal should not just have African nations leave, but Asian, and South American nations as well. Doing so will undermine neocolonial control. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Thailand's King Bhumibol dies at 88 - BBC News

King Bhumibol has passed away causing much grief and uncertainty in Thailand. The country has long been divided from political turbulence and coups. The King was the only unifying figure that Thais could identify as a whole with. He was a ceremonial figure, but wielded much influence over the nation's politics. Thailand since 2006 has been through various tumult. Thanskin Shinawatra known for his corruption was removed by the military. His sister Yinluck came to power, but was also overthrown by a coup. It is unclear whether she is completely guilty in the rice subsides scandal, but the main reason she was removed was that she attempted to give her brother amnesty. This plunged Thailand into chaos and out of that chaos came general  Prayut Chan o -cha. King Bhumibol was a pillar of stability since 1946 and remained a constant factor during periods of violence. Communist insurgency and the activity in the Golden Triangle drug trade were constant problems. The challenge now is what happens next. The government is under control of the military and the only unifying figure of the country has passed. It is clear that Prayut Chan o-Cha will use this period to consolidate his power. The Thai monarchy could disappear or further slip into political irrelevance.   

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Basic Anatomy of the Eye

The eye is an organ that enables sight. What appears to be a simple structure seems more complicated when examining its anatomical structure. The eyes are spherical shaped and placed inside sockets of the cranium. The eyelids provide a cover and form of protection from foreign objects in the environment. The eyelids also contain eye lashes which also aid in protection of the eye. The eyes have a direct connection to the brain optic nerve. The relies on six muscles for basic motion. The reason people have sight is a combination of evolution and how light rays are adjusted to our eyes. The reason animals developed sight was for the purpose of hunting and sensory information gathering. Certain animals do not require perfect sight to function in their environment. Light rays enter the eye through the pupil are then focused by the cornea and lens. The retina then allows for the image to be produced by the eye. The rods and cones which number in the millions are light sensitive cells that convert an image by means of nerve impulses. The impulses are then processed by the optic nerve and the brain produces an image. Like any other human body structure it has certain units that are designed for different functions. 
     The basic structures of the eye include the pupil, iris, and lens. The lens divides the eye into an anterior chamber. It is filled with a fluid and called the aqueous humour. There also is a posterior chamber. These chambers of the eye allow for enough internal pressure to maintain eye shape. The vitreous humour. 
The iris is a membrane structure which is a barrier between the lens and the cornea. The iris contains pigments. The colors ca range from green, blue, gray or hazel. The pigmentation is determined by the amount and positioning of pigment, melanin, including genetic inheritance. The pupil is a hole located at the center of the iris. The pupil appears to be black. Light rays will enter the pupil, then reach the lens.  The pupil size monitors the amount of light permitted to enter. The pupil size is mostly controlled by the dilator and sphincter muscles. 
     The eye would not function without critical photoreceptors. Rods only have the ability to detect dim light including black and white color schemes. They occupy the macula lutea on the retina. Rods are responsible for producing fine vision. Cones are focused more on color vision  in bright light. They are distributed in the retina, but the majority are in the fovea. Cones can be classified in three forms. The types are determined by pigments which are red, green, or blue. The reason they are called this is because it is referring to the wavelengths of colors you can see. Cones allow a person to see a vast range of colors. The process of sight also is a production in itself. Light contacts the pupil, then becomes refracted. Following this, it enters the crystalline lens. The lens will make adjustments  to change an image to an upside down version projected on to the retina. Each of the human eyes can see different images with visual fields having a tendency to overlap. An example of this is stereoscopic vision , which enables depth perception. Seeing objects at a distance the ciliary muscles relax, while the lens flattens then thins. To see near by objects the ciliary muscles contract. Photoreceptors open a world of visual information.  
      The eye has an external structure as well. The outer section contains a transparent cornea and sclera. The sclera is the part of the eye that appears white. It is considered an extension or another part of the cornea. The purpose is mostly a protective function. The eyelids are designed to protect the conjunctivae and the eyelashes block debris from the surrounding environment.  The eyes must remain moist to prevent infection.Tears act as a washing solution for a person's eyes. The lacrimal apparatus both forms and disposes of tears in the eye. Humans are unique in the sense that they are the only cry extra tears when feeling distraught. Blinking is an action done to remove excess tears to the nasolacriminal duct. The lacrimal gland forms tears which are composed of  antibodies and lysozyme. The eye is as complex as other organs working with light, cells, and glands to enable sight. 

Further Reading 

Brewer, Sarah. The Human Body a Visual Guide to Human Anatomy. London: Quecus, 2011. 

DK Ultimate Visual Dictionary 2000. New York: DK Pub., 1999.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Kerry Threatens to Sever all Syria Cooperation with Russia

Secretary of State John Kerry has announced that he will sever ties in regards to cooperation with Russia in Syria. This announcement does not come as a shock. The two nations have different objectives. The US does not want peace and wants to see the removal of Bashar Al-Assad either by military force or some form of transition. Russia wants to see an end to the war, with its military bases intact. Aleppo is a source of contention with government forces and rebel forces fighting for control of the strategic city. It appears that the rebel forces are not as organized and do not have as much support as the legitimate government. The rebel groups are numerous including the Al-Nursa Front, ISIS,  and the Free Syria Army. These groups are being armed by external powers. Although it is not clear, the United States has been arming various factions. Saudi Arabia could also be arming the rebel groups. They had done so in Libya, and King Salman does not want to see an Assad government continue. The US needs to understand that nation building projects are not part of practical foreign policy. Syria must regain control of its territory to end this war of proxy between the US and Russia.  Only then can the Middle East can regain some level of stability. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Free education for all!’ Clashes erupt at S. African student protest in Johannesburg

Even after the fall of the Apartheid regime, inequality is still alive and well in South Africa. Although there have been successes in achieving political rights, economic rights still must be fulfilled. Education can provide new job and life opportunities. The lack of access and affordable higher education causes sociological problems. It stops social mobility, puts people at a higher rate of unemployment, and causes crime. The protests in Johannesburg must continue so that the last elements of the Apartheid d past can be eliminated. If the young people of South Africa are to be successful, they need the skills necessary to be competitors in a 21st century global economy. The ANC must go back to its socialist roots, by creating an effective system of welfare for the whole nation. An emphasis on education, infrastructure, industrial development, and Pan-African values will form the Rainbow Nation which  President Mandela dreamed of.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How 9/11 Changed the World

When the United States was attacked on September 11, 2001 the world was to change drastically. The World Trade Center and the Pentagon were hit by aircraft and in a symbolic action symbolized an attack on synecdoche of US power. The reasons for this event were much more complex than presented by US leaders. US involvement in Afghanistan during the Cold War, support for authoritarian regimes,  and a Middle East policy that favors Israel no matter what abuses its guilty of contributed to the attacks. There is also the simultaneous problem of religious fanaticism opposing modernism. The terrorist attacks were to be used as a justification for America's growing aggressive foreign policy. Fifteen years have past and American citizens believe that military intervention is the only solution to international crisis. The reaction to the terrorist attacks resulted in the development of two hostile rival systems. The US-EU block and the China-Russia block are in a sense engaging in wars of proxy. It becomes more evident when examining the Syrian Civil War. The US claims to support moderate opposition, when none exist. Russia supports the legitimate government of Bashar Al-Assad. This is an attempt to fight ISIS in both Syria and Iraq. Both US and Russian troops are becoming more entrenched in the region. The 9/11 attacks brought war, intolerance, and the reduction of civil liberties. Americans constantly express how tragic the attacks were, but are not concerned about the devastation to West Asia and Southwest Asia from aggressive war. The American lives are minimal compared to the deaths the US inflicted in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and the tribal areas of Pakistan. Anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia have increased to astronomical levels in France, the UK, Germany, Italy, and most of the European continent. Migration has caused the EU to weaken and  has become a humanitarian crisis. Other nations are becoming trepid after seeing what the United States did to Iraq. These problems will only get worse as long as there is no change in foreign policy.
        The major shift in US foreign policy was that it embarked on nation building projects. This would have lethal consequences across the world. After the attacks, the US government demanded that Osama Bin Laden be handed over by the Taliban regime. Strangely enough, the Taliban was willing to extradite Bin Laden as long as evidence was provided that he was responsible for the terrorist attacks. There was no evidence directly linking Osama Bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks. Vice President Dick Cheney even admitted none had ever been compiled. These attacks were an opportunity for the United States to impose its will upon the world. The disguised humanitarian mission in Afghanistan was about having geopolitical dominance. One of the reasons the US does not want to leave Afghanistan is because control of the Eurasian landmass is pivotal to being a global hegemon. Central Asia has an abundance of natural gas reserves and is a gateway to Europe, the Middle East, the Caspian Sea, Black Sea, and Southwest Asia. Having control of this region and resources would make a nation-state immensely powerful. The problem for the United States in this neoconservative vision of  dominance is Russia and China. The US then set about deposing the Taliban having no concern for the destabilization that would occur in Pakistan . Al-qaeda was presented as a large organization that functioned like arms of an octopus and under complete control of Osama Bin Laden. This terrorist organization was only active in Afghanistan and was losing influence by the time of the invasion. Bin laden was at one point in Sudan till he was expelled by Omar Al-Bashir's government. Radical political Islamism  was not seeing success in Algeria, Egypt, or  in the Arabian Gulf.  Bin Laden may have realized even though he was not the mastermind in the attacks, he could use it to rejuvenate a declining movement.  The United States and NATO then pushed further into Afghanistan establishing a puppet government under the direction of Hamid Karzi. Democracy has not developed there and probably never will, because it is a governance system that Afghans did not choose themselves. Iraq, which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks was then presented as a state sponsor of terror. George W. Bush stated in his State of the Union Address in 2002 that Iraq, along with Iran as well as North Korea "constituted an axis of evil." The US had been destroying Iraq with sanctions for twelve years and now in a weakened state wanted to overthrow Saddam Hussein. The Iraq invasion was not about liberating people from a tyrant, but served specific purposes. The United States ever since the oil embargo has been concerned about that resource.It wants to in an avaricious manner control the world's oil reserves. China's consumption has increased as well which means the US will be in an indirect conflict with that nation. The invasion of Iraq was also designed to scare other nation across the world. The blatantly vicious threat and message was if you resist the United States you will face annihilation. Iraq and Afghanistan continued to go on a downward spiral even wit the Obama administration. Every nation is not compatible with liberal democracy. Both the  Democratic and Republican  Party embrace an aggressive American exceptionalism.  Nation building projects continue in Libya and Yemen, but in Syria they have met serious resistance. The United States did not calculate Russia would respond in Syria. Vexed that the US interfered with Ukraine, Syria was the perfect opportunity to demonstrate that US power had limits.  The United States continues to threaten the peace against states that are not even involved with terrorism. China is being threatened by the Asia pivot. Sudan and Zimbabwe are under US sanctions. The 9/11 attacks were used to justify US invasion globally. Permanent warfare is now an official US foreign policy.
         The aftermath of the 9/11 attacks was that Islamophobia and anti-Arab racism   spread internationally. The United States although it preaches religious freedom, has never been tolerant toward non-Christians. The Republican Party has tapped into xenophobia and anti-Arab racism and during the early 2000s it won them electoral victories. Muslims have their loyalty and patriotism questioned constantly. Hate crimes against Arabs and Muslims has increased. Europe has more extreme cases. Germany, France, Spain, and the UK have witnessed an increase in  Islamophobia. The argument made is that critics do not hate the religion, but hate what they refer to radical Islam. This term is sometimes interchanged with Islamic extremists. The actual term is radical political Islamism, which is a theocratic political ideology, not a theological religious philosophy. Using an incorrect or nebulous term is a way to lump all Muslims together and present them as a sinister group . Conservatives compare Muslims in both Europe and America as a death cult. This fear and hate for a particular religion also masks a more vile form of hatred. While all Muslims are not Arabs, the disdain for the religion can mask  racism against Arabs. Criticizing a religion is not an act of hate, but in this instance it is designed to target a group of non-white people. President George W. Bush called the War on Terror a battle between the civilized and uncivilized world. This rhetoric used was designed to instigate hatred for the Arab nations. It casts the Arab as a violent killer who lives to destroy the United States. This type of language used is that of a colonizer attempting to subjugate a population. Dehumanizing a group make it easier for the conqueror to murder and enslave. The West has used the excuse it was more civilized to inflict harm upon the peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Iraq was attacked not just because it had resources the US wanted; it was an Arab nation and from the perspective of a white male Christian naturally evil. The concept that all West and Southwest Asians are the embodiment of evil had led to numerous human rights abuses. Drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and Afghanistan    have killed more civilians than terrorists.  The United States has no concern for the innocent people it kills in these nations, because they are non-whites. Even with the first African American president, white supremacy in US foreign policy can still function. President Obama promised a new phase of reaching out to the Arab and Muslim world during his first term. This ended with the Arab Spring, when a string of regime changes occurred across North Africa and the Middle East. Instead President Obama has embarked on a policy of intervention on a multilateral level. His predecessor favored a unilateral approach in regards to conflict. Muslim Americans have increasingly been ostracized and targeting. The FBI continues under the Obama administration to spied upon and victims of entrapment. Elsewhere Thailand, India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar are seeing escalating cases of Islamophobia. Terrorist attacks following 9/11 onward have created more prejudice. One violent episode in Myanmar caused the forced removal Rohingya Muslims, but the US did not take a stand or comment. The far right in Europe is seeing electoral victories in Germany and the UK. Anti-immigrant and racist groups are becoming a popular political force. Political parties like the English Defense League, UKIP, and Pegida are no longer considered fringe.  Blatant racism and intolerance , rather than its covert version is becoming more socially acceptable.
        Israel and the autocratic US supported regimes were contributors to the 9/11 attacks and aftermath. US support for Israel has caused much anger in the Arab world. The constant oppression of the Palestinian people has generated condemnation around the world. It also encouraged Arabs to join militant groups to stop occupation. The Gulf monarchies continue to deny their people basic civil rights. The House of Saud  is despised by Islamist fighters who seek its overthrow. The reason terrorist organizations are attractive to some people is it is an organized force against oppressive regimes in their home countries. When Pan-Arab nationalism declined radical political Islamism appeared as another solution to challenge Israel and the Gulf monarchies. When the US invaded Iraq Israel lost a formidable enemy, which was supportive of the Palestinian cause. The only states left in the way of Israel's complete hegemony of the Middle East were Iran and Syria. These two regional allies did gain power after Saddam's fall, because the majority Shia Muslim population was in control of Iraq. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon even said that the 9/11 attacks did benefit Israel to an extent. This meant the Bush administration would ignore the issue of settlements and give more aid to Israel in exchange for being a partner in the War on Terror. Although Sharon eventually did have some settlements removed, Netanyahu reversed this policy. Israel has shown that it does not want peace, but to expand. The attacks on the Gaza Strip only induce more rage and support for radical political Islamism.  The United States continues to provide Israel with billions of dollars in aid. The 9/11 attacks only moved the US closer to Israel than ever before, even when associating with it is harmful to the US in the long term. To many who live in the Middle East the US and Israel are the same entity . If the West Bank becomes overrun with Jewish settlements, the US will be guilty by association. It was the US and Israel alliance that caused the rise and popularity of radical political Islamism. Even though certain terrorist groups function independently or could be competing with each other they have a consensus on Israel. The Jewish state became more emboldened to seek expansion beyond the 1967 borders. There was a reversal of fortune in 2006 when it fought Hezbollah. The 9/11 attacks allow Israel to continue it human rights abuses and persecution of the Palestinians.
        Religious fundamentalism has under gone a renaissance after the 9/11 attacks. Religious fanatics are convinced that there is a holy war been Islam and Christianity. More individuals are joining this irrational movement not juts because of the attacks, but a reaction to a modern globalized society. Secularism, science, and pluralistic societies are not compatible with extremist religious thought. The Christian right in America are mobilizing their forces to spread Isamophobia, homophobia, and racism. They gain more followers capitalizing on anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment. Fundamentalist Muslims attempt to harm people who draw the prophet  Muhammad, anyone who criticizes Islam, or objects to the existence of a God. As the years pass it only gets worse. This type of religious fanaticism would not survive in a world of science and  technology with rational thought. It has been demonstrated the more education an individual receives the less religious they become. Religious fundamentalism can only function in an atmosphere of hate and fear. Otherwise, it would slowly die off or be regulated to the fringes of society. The 9/11 attacks allowed fanatics to have a platform to speak in both the West and East. The arguments that were presented is that "people were attempting to destroy their way of life." Rhetoric became more irrational with some Christians describing the following historical events as Biblical prophecy. Churches in America were preaching that 9/11 was the beginning of the end times and the rapture was quickly approaching. Muslim fanatics came to the conclusion that Western values were the root of all evil in the world and there for must be obliterated. Sharia law should be imposed upon people for the sake of saving them from sin. Fundamentalist Christians also believe that God protects America and wants the country to impose its views upon the world. These convictions reveal an element much more repulsive than closed minded mentality. It is cultural supremacy. The idea that there is only one correct religion and the culture it forms is superior to others. It demands that everyone believe in the religion dogmatically and if not liquidation or separation is what is done to non-believers. This is a growing problem as organized religion attempts to adjust to the 21st century.
     When the 9/11 memorials occur every year, there is a disturbing pattern. While there is sympathy for American lives lost, virtually none is given to the victims of US aggressive war. The death never stops with the ever escalating refugee crisis in Europe and wars across the Middle East. The constant media coverage and almost annual commemorations seem to blind the American population to a wider understanding of why the attacks happened in the first place. Simple and false narratives are presented as " they hate our freedom" or  " they want to take what we have" are distortions. The attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were products of Cold War politics, CIA covert action, and military intervention. The US after its loss in the Vietnam War struggled to reassert its identity as a powerful nation. The desire for vengeance became strong so much so that it began to interfere with the internal politics of Afghanistan in 1978. The Jimmy Carter administration under the suggestion of   Zbigniew Brzezinski began to destabilize a weakening Marxist regime in Afghanistan . Ronald Reagan would expand aid to a larger extent and Afghanistan became Russia's Vietnam. This came at a price, for when the US armed  the Mujahideen, a portion of those fighters would go on to form Al-qaeda in 1988. These fighters would also return to their home countries hoping to depose unpopular US supported regimes and establish theocratic states. The rise of modern international terrorism was fostered by the United States and it continues to destabilize the world. The actions after the attacks further damaged America's declining image among the world. Another unintended consequence is that authoritarian regimes became more intimidated by the US and proceeded to accelerate their nuclear weapons programs. The reason North Korea pursues nuclear weapons is due to the fear of US invasion. Iran during the mid-2000s had a nuclear weapons program, but it is unclear how long the nuclear deal will sustainable. Further US military strikes could reverse progress . The 9/11 attacks changed the world in the most precarious manner. It gave US imperialism a justification for waging permanent warfare any where   internationally.                           

Friday, September 2, 2016

Islam Karimov has died

Uzbekistan has lost its authoritarian president. Islam Karimov has died in office creating uncertainty for the future. There still is speculation on who will be a successor to President Karimov. From 1991 to 2016 he ruled Uzbekistan with an iron first, stopping any form of political opposition. He ran for president on multiple occasions and by de-facto means became a president for life. During the late 1990s his regime was threatened by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. When the 9/11 attacks occurred Karimov found an ally in the George W. Bush administration. After the Adijan Massacre in 2005 ties were cut between the US and Uzbekistan and bases were shut down. His death comes at a precarious time of global upheaval and international terrorism. This change in regime could have negative effects on Afghanistan and the other Central Asian states. There remains the possibility of a Central Asian spring that could spread and result in the formation of terrorist safe havens. The US and EU block may attempt to adjust their foreign policy to make Uzbekistan compliant with their interests. The situation becomes more complicated when factoring in NATO- Russia tension. Whatever the case, Uzbekistan will not see political reform anytime soon.      

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Dilma Rousseff on Ouster: This is a Coup That Will Impact Every Democratic Organization in Brazil

Dilma Rousseff  has been removed from office, it what appears to be a coup to many observers. She was accused of being linked to the corruption with Petrobas. However, there is very little evidence that she had extensive involvement. The Worker's Party is clearly being targeted by the ruling class because it favored reforms addressing poverty and racism in Brazil. Venezuela and Ecuador have denounced this removal from office and recalled its ambassadors. There is some form of anti-left movement sweeping across Latin America, which is tilting toward America. Rousseff  has a long history of fighting dictatorship in Brazil. The military regime that ruled from 1964 to 1985 was supported by the United States. Michel Temer is now president and had visited Washington prior to the impeachment proceedings. The Worker's Party made the mistake of making a coalition with evangelical and right-wing figures. The problem with leftist governments in power is that they are willing to negotiate with extremists. A combination of ineffective government and economic recession brought Rousseff's government down, including a right-wing conspiracy. Brazilians will see that their lives will not improve and more discord will increase under a conservative government. This has wider implications across the region. Latin America may find it has to once again confront American and European intrusion both economically and politically.   

Saturday, August 27, 2016

God Never Existed

To many God is as real as physical matter. The religious state he made and created all things.The basis of faith is that one believes hard enough, without factual evidence. If one is to think critically, the concept of God does not with stand logical argument. The major world religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism preach there is only one God and it is the creator of all life. Through out history many societies were polytheistic. The shift toward monotheism was a radical notion, but its purpose was more so political. It cannot be ignored that religion is a powerful mobilizing force, just as much as nationalism. Organized religion contributed to the control of citizens in emerging states. Absolute monarchs often said their authority came from God and their rule was justified by divine right. When the Enlightenment happened in Europe intellectuals questioned religious dogma and the God concept. Thinkers who were deists believed that God did not intervene in every day affairs or was responsible for miracles. They were not atheists, but if that had advanced understanding of the universe they probably would have been. Extreme religious fanatics attack science and reason, because it discredits there views of a supernatural world. Human evolution and climate science are primary targets. Even astronomy and astrophysics are despised by such extremists. The argument is that these academic disciplines are being disrespectful to their convictions. Ultimately, these scientific fields demonstrate that God never existed. If science never reached the level that it has, there are basic questions that challenge the existence of God. Logic, critical thinking, and science demonstrate that God was an idea developed in the thoughts of humankind.  
          One question that should emerge is where did God come from? Did he always exist or come from another God? Numerous religious texts avoid this question or do not attempt an explanation. Saying that such a being was born takes away the power of the concept. This question remains unanswered for a deliberate reason. Before the rise of civilization spirits and Gods were used as explanations for natural phenomenon. Gods and spirits were responsible for everything from earthquakes, floods, and the stars in the sky. Disease, which early hunter-gatherers had limited understanding of were also though to have a spirit based cause. Many times early human societies were convinced that certain illnesses were either punishments from Gods or spirits communicating with man. Based on the knowledge of diseases of the nervous system, these individuals may have suffered from epilepsy, schizophrenia, or other mental disorders.The pre-historic peoples of the world had no concept of neurological disorders or diseases of the brain. When scientific medicine arises, only then humankind was moving away from spirits being an explanation for illness. The early medical practitioners such as Imhotep and Hippocrates began moving away from notions of the supernatural. Reproduction of organic species happens either sexually or asexually. Assuming God is an organism it either has the capability to do either one of those methods of reproduction. There is no evidence or mention of this in any religious text. The assumption that a being just existed and was fully conscious seems to lack cogency. An all wise, powerful, and omnipotent  creature that has no origin is just accepted by the devout. The mystery of the universe is used as evidence of existed, but this is more a demonstration of what is unknown.
            The God concept has been adjusted depending on the political and social circumstances. Roman, Egyptian, Greek, Indian, and Chinese civilizations believed in numerous gods during the course of history. There were rare cases in which monotheism appeared before the major world religions. Pharaoh Amenhotep IV declared that Egyptians should worship Aten. Prior to the rise of ancient civilization it is possible that early hunter gatherers worshiped a mother goddess. This can be linked to certain phrases or sayings like "mother nature."  This was not exactly a pantheistic ideology , but that a goddess was expressing herself through the beauty and power of nature. Goddesses appear in various world civilizations, but are removed from being worshiped when monotheism arises. This could be a metaphor for women's declining status with the rise of organized religion. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam  promote rigid gender roles in which man has authority over women. The gods of old civilization merged into a male God. At the time of the Dark Ages in Europe, there was a desire to impose order on a chaotic landscape. The Middle Ages was a period in which God and organized religion imposed order and control upon emerging centralized governments. Controlling populations through religion and God did not just occur in Europe, but in Africa and Asia. The Ummayyad and  Abbasid  dynasties kept the Middle East together by Islam. The Ottomans would continue that technique. The Mauryan, Gupta, and Mughul empires either used Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam to manage vast areas of India. Buddhism was more so an ethical philosophy than a religion and does not have a single God. However, it still holds to the conviction of spirits and reincarnation. The Songahy empire of West Africa was unified under Islam and traditional Africa religion. As time progressed it became a tool of oppression. The Spanish and Portuguese  used the excuse that Christianity needed to be spread to justify the conquest of South America . Religion was also used as a justification for enslavement of African peoples, before it was replaced with pseudoscientific  biological racism. Horrible acts or atrocities were forgiven by God, because in their minds they were spreading the words of Jesus Christ. The God concept can be changed whenever some political or social agenda needs to be legitimized.  God can be a cover for egregious acts.
        There is also the argument that God exists by the fact that there are lifeforms on Earth. Reality many people of  devout faith are convinced is God's doing.Reality is still a peculiar and evolving concept. Philosophers once said it is a product of rational thought and the senses. As the natural philosophers became modern scientists reality was by its definition was altered again. Physical matter is the basis of the universe. Atoms and subatomic particles are the building blocks  of the known universe. The higgs boson explains why matter even has mass.String theory and unified field theory are attempting to merge or bridge relativity and quantum mechanics. The universe functions on fundamental forces of gravitation, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear force. It has been suggested that there could be more. If God created reality why are things structured in this particular way? There are particles and anti-particles which could mean there is more than just one universe. There could be a multiverse. Astronomers have confirmed that exoplanets exist outside the Solar System. Some of them could even be Earth like or sustain life. It has been expressed that God created humanity as something special. If it is true life exists on other planets or dimensions the need for a God falls apart. The divine and immaculate creature was suppose to create beings to look over as if they were his own children. The diversity  present in life and environment dismantle that mystic concept of a higher power. Existence, reality, and the state of matter were debates in ontology among the early philosophers. The monotheistic belief system proposed an answer without a solid basis and formulated it in relation to what God demands of humanity. How can you know what God wants if the religious texts were written by humans and none had ever had direct communication.? A believer has never said they have seen God or Heaven. Humanity still has not fully discovered the true nature of reality and existence, so making such claims is premature.
        God was once used as an way to explain natural phenomena. Physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy, and Earth Sciences have disproves this old assumption. It was once thought that humanity emerged from the dirt of the Earth molded by God. Human evolution and astrophysics have been piecing together the puzzle of the past. The reason religious fanatics attack science in general is that it challenges their conviction in an anthropomorphized God, which control not only nature, but human destiny. Human evolution demonstrates that nature and organism are not the product of a God, but the work of genetics and natural selection. The idea that one creature created everything is disputed by astrophysics and the big bang theory. The big bang theory does not describe how the universe began, but how it evolved. There was as astrophysicists believed was nothing and absolute nothing. There was no time, matter, or life. The pious claim that God initiated the process. There is a problem with this assumption. It states that God existed always and that energy could just be created. Energy cannot be created or destroyed as far as human understanding goes. If that is true then, God would not be all powerful because he did not create energy. When questioning existence of God it simply is not testable.The scientific method functions on certain steps. The first is a proposed hypothesis followed by experimentation. There will be observation resulting in data and a conclusion. The experiment must be reproducible and have the same results to be considered a fact. No one has ever observed God or deities. There is not an experiment that can be made to demonstrate God's presence.  Trying to duplicate a possible experiment would  not be possible. That is why the God concept is in the realm of faith. It is believing without evidence. However, faith is not factual, but religious fanatics proclaim it to be so.
         The world is advancing technologically and socially. There are a number of reasons the God concept still remains in a science based world civilization. God as an idea can provide comfort to people in dire and destitute situations. Tragedies and personal hardship happen through out life with no explanation. This means the idea of God acts a coping mechanism to extreme stress and violence.God has been the poor person's wealth. Another dynamic is that people are searching for the meaning of life. God provides a simple answer to a complex question. Life and its meaning is not a simple matter. It takes much introspection, thought, and reflection. Saying everything "is God's will" appears as intellectual laziness. Humanity has a desire for answers and is not willing to work for a solution to a problem. Some feel that their life would have no meaning if they just merely existed by random chance. According to the devout God put people here for a purpose. Without God they believe life would have no direction. This is an odd way of thinking, because ultimately individuals decide what meaning their life has. That must be discovered through cogitation.Besides the unknown of  the philosophical implications of life, there is a fear. Death is the end of life, which terrifies most people. Many worshipers want to know that life's struggles had meaning and were not just going to result in a lugubrious end. When examined from this perspective God and heaven seem attractive.Maybe it is time to view death differently. If we understand that it is part of a cycle of birth and life it does not seem like an anathema. This is a part of nature and biology. The unknown must not be fear, no should it be assumed it has a negative outcome. There is nothing wrong with believing in a certain system of thought. However, there is a problem when  ignoring facts. If critically analyzed the evidence for God is lacking. It would appear that God was a creation of the thoughts of  man.