Sunday, January 25, 2015

Religion Is Not Above Criticism

When one lives in a free society,  open criticism is allowed. Politics, cultural mores, and other controversial topics are subjects that can be discussed. However, religion is a taboo subject to criticize in intellectual discourse or in public. This enables fanaticism and the suppression of  critical thinking. It gives individuals a license to abuse others and justify unethical behavior. Religious figures then hide behind a claim that criticism is "offensive." Just like any other ideology, religion should be subject to scrutiny. The negative reactions to such examination only proves that religion is against free speech, individualism, and critical thinking.
         The religious establishment has been hostile to free speech. Controversy has emerged when depictions of  the prophet Muhammad appear. This is considered idolatry and a major offense. The religious right in the United States want any mention of human evolution in science textbooks removed. Their argument is that their is only one creator who made existence as described in the Book  of Genesis. Reactionary groups seek to silence opposing view points. Depicting Muhammad becomes an act of "hatred" and saying human evolution is factual can now be considered "anti-Christian."  People love free speech until it is something they do not want to hear. While the extremely pious claim their faith is under attack, they direct hatred toward other groups. Sermons of  right-wing pastors condemn homosexuality and demonize gay people. This by definition would be hate speech. It is accepted, because religious figures are doing it. When legitimate criticism is directed at them, then there is commotion.
            Individualism is a concept that is highly valued in a free society. Religious fanatics and reactionaries do not value it at all. They actively seek its destruction. Organized religion cannot survive unless it is collectivist and conformist in behavior. If this is not imposed, people will leave the congregation. All the major world religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism has some form of schism, which resulted in numerous sects. People thinking for themselves becomes a threat to organized religion. Some followers of these faiths are required to restrain themselves and natural impulses for decision making. Women are expected to be obedient and submissive to male authority. in most religions. Judaism has traditionally had a strong patriarchal foundation. Islam just like Judaism has a similar perspective. Christianity specifically Catholicism, will not allow women to have authority roles in the Church. The Catholic Church still refuses to allow women to be priests. Not only does it show disdain for individual freedom, but a culture of discrimination.Dissent is the ultimate expression of individualism. Religion is incompatible with individualism.  
          Critical thinking is not encouraged by the religious establishment. The reason is that it will unravel the unstable foundation in which it rests. When it comes to questioning the existence of God, blind faith will be promoted. This is one topic a follower should never doubt. It is difficult to say there is a being that loves us all. A majority of the population is starving, victims of mass violence, and struggling to survive. One should question God's existence when seeing endless human suffering . It seems as if humans are all alone to fend for themselves. The claim by the pious is that the Lord is testing you. The hardships now will only lead to heaven. Blindly, many people are convinced of this. People who dared to question dogma were either ostracized or threatened with death. The Protestant Reformation demonstrated religion's hostility to critical thinking. The schism between Sunni and Shia Muslims was another example in the history of theological discourse. Religion is so resistant to critical thinking that it is intolerant of other religions. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam do not respect the other's convictions or culture. Non-believers are either infidels, gentiles, or heathens. There is nothing wrong with having a different belief system. It is questionable ethics to say your viewpoint is superior and needs to be imposed on others.  
            The world now revolves around science, commerce, and technology. Religion will most likely not disappear, because it has been with man since the earliest periods of human history. The modern day organized religion has become a tool of control. The manipulation of emotions and behaviors has become simple by inducing religion into public conversation. Far beyond controlling people, it became lethal. Zionism an expansionist ideology, uses religion to justify annexation and the abuse of the Palestinian population. Radical political Islamism is threatening the stability of Arab nations. The social conservatives of America want to ban abortion, women's rights, and dismantle the free exercise clause. Religious fundamentalists pose a major challenge to a free society. Ignoring them will not solve the problem. Concerned individuals must criticize and expose abuse. Religion must be subject to examination just like any other philosophical, social or political idea.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Roots of Terrorism in France

The offices of  Charlie Hebdo were attacked on January 7, 2015  by two assailants. Their  grievance  was that the satirical newspaper was an "offense" to Islam. Paris was in a state of panic. The two criminals known as Said and Cherif  kouachi targeted staff  of Charlie Hebdo. The two brothers had known links to terrorist organizations and had criminal records. There was no intelligence failure, because they were on the no fly list. The roots of the terrorist attacks are clear. The first problem is France's involvement in Francophone Africa. The intervention in Mali has created blow back. Another issue is immigration policy. The most precarious challenge is the fact that France is a racist and exclusionary country. The idea of the March for Unity is merely an illusion. It presents an image that France is open to all groups of various ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. This clever fabrication has been presented by the mass media for weeks. The true roots of  terrorism emerge from military intervention and excluding groups from participation in society.
        France has made the mistake of engaging in regime change, which resulted in blow back. France along with the UK and US attacked Libya in 2011. The fall of Qaddafi resulted in destabilization in Mali. Azawad for decades has sought independence. This province of Mali has a population of  Tuaregs seeking national self-determination. This ethnic group has experienced persecution and has been seeking refuge, ever since the independence era. Libya was supportive of this cause and had a Tuareg population of its own. With the end of the NATO war many Tuaregs loyal to Qaddafi fled to Mali. Ethnic conflict and civil war made Libya an unsafe place to remain. The National Movement for the liberation of Azawad  a group fighting for independence in northern Mali was empowered. The group acquired weapons they were given to rebel factions in Libya. 

These are the areas in which the Tuareg population is distributed 

The NMFLA  was not powerful enough to overthrow the government  until it allied with in coming radical Islamist groups. France wanted to protect its interests in Mali and sent troops. When ever the West invades foreign countries, terrorism will blossom. The Islamic Sate of Iraq is the creation of the West attempting to depose Bashar AlAssad. The UK, US, and France wanted to use an Islamist insurgency that started in the country as an excuse for regime change. Soon  numerous armed groups  were given weapons to do this. When this failed, terrorist groups adjusted their strategy. They then invaded parts of Iraq to establish bases and performed massive recruiting efforts. Europe was the primary target. Young  Muslims from Europe went to Syria to fight not only the Assad regime, but to create and Islamic state. It was only a matter of time before blow back from intelligence operations occurred.
      France has a chronic problem of racial hatred. The Arab and Muslim community is excluded from the greater society. They are not the only victims. Gypsies and the French African population are subject to violence and discrimination. This is alarming considering France's long history of colonial domination of various people around the globe. By alienating groups it could encourage people to join extremist movements.  The Kouachi brothers were French citizens, but felt no love fro the country. The reason was they would never be accepted;or will any other non-white group. 

These are some of the cartoons of Charlie Hebdo. Although it is meant to be satirical, a subtle message is presented. It is designed to encourage hatred or fear of particular groups. Like blackface caricature, it shows certain stereotypes. The fascinating aspect of the first cover is it shows both antisemitic and islamophobic sentiment. 

This was far more complex than just the publication of cartoons. A society is gradually decaying from a venom of  bigotry. France largely views other cultures as beneath their own. Islam is like Judaism not only a religion, but a culture. France wants to be homogeneous culturally and racially. Various ethnic groups could adopt French culture, but never experience the benefits of citizenship. Simultaneously, the French government refuses to challenge conflicts between different groups. Jews and Muslims are in conflict over the political situation in the Middle East. As more French Jews emigrate to Israel, the Muslim community becomes vexed. The reason is they are departing to colonize more Arab land. Now, French Jews face in some cases attacks from some members of the Muslim community.  The government could care less. France has a long history of antisemitism, but to blame it solely on the Muslim population is ludicrous. France and the West use Israel as a regional enforcer against its competitors in the Middle East. They could care less about Jews and when they are no longer useful discard them. France does not value freedom of religion or equality. The evidence is apparent with the rapid rise of the National Front Party. Far Right extremists are capitalizing on the attacks to advance  an anti-immigrant agenda. 
         Immigration policy needs reform. Open borders could become a major security issue. The reason terrorists are able to travel between Europe and other countries is because of the Schengen Agreement. This was developed around 1995 by the European Economic Community. The treaty was signed ten years earlier and called for the removal of internal border controls and  common visa policy. As long as an individual meets certain visa requirements, they could go through certain checkpoints to various European countries. It is difficult to determine or do background checks on people who enter at various points in the Eurozone. A policy needs to be developed that is neither xenophobic or uncontrolled movement of people. Terrorists can exploit this open border concept to launch attacks or evade capture. At the core of immigration issues is the fact that the West continues to do military strikes around the globe. This contributes to the push and pull factors that cause the mass movement of people. 
            These attacks were no surprise. There were a combination of factors that culminated in violence. Military intervention, neocolonialism, and failed foreign policy has enabled terrorists. Then there are cases in which the West collaborates with terrorists ( Libya and Syria). This is not new, but a technique used to depose certain governments. The rise in extremist violence is the direct result of  American, British, and French interference in the affairs of the Middle East and Africa. Supporting regimes that only serve the West and not their own population has created new followers for radical political Islamist movements. Attacks will continue as long France attempts to rebuild its lost empire.   


Thursday, January 15, 2015


Beyond the Solar System there are more planets. These exoplanets could orbit binary stars, brown dwarfs, a stellar remnant, or just remain free floating in space.The real turning point was in 1995 when Micheal Mayor and Didier Queloz identified an object known as 51 Pegasi. This object turned out to be as large as Jupiter. Since then, close to about 1,000 exoplanets have been discovered. There could possibly be more. The universe is an immense place. Some of these newly discovered planets could be Earth like. The possibility of extraterrestrial life becomes even more of a reality. The exploration of space and exoplanets  creates a new sense of wonder and excitement.
       The characteristics vary between exoplanets. There are some that have molten surfaces. Other exoplanets could be covered completely with ocean. Some could have rocky cores and be  twelve times the size of the Earth.This has become major news for the field of astrobiology. No longer a topic of science fiction, life could be active as we speak. The Kepler Spacecraft was launched in 2009 with the goal of finding Earth like extrasolar planets.The mission has produced many results. These are but a few new planets beyond the Solar System.


The other Kepler planets

51 pegasi

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Martin Luther King, "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"

This is an audio recording of Martin Luther King's speech "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam." America's racism was being exported to Vietnam in the form of imperialist domination. King refused to ignore the human rights violations of the US in Indochina. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)

Martin Luther King was a Baptist pastor and an activist for both human and civil rights. He challenged societal ills such as racism, war, and poverty. His goal was to see the end of racial segregation and discrimination in US society. Martin Luther King became a critic of US involvement in the Vietnam War. He believed in nonviolence and pacifism. Poverty was another social injustice that he challenged and toward the end of his life and launched the Poor People's Campaign. Martin Luther King emerged during the 1950s and 1960s as a major leader in the Civil Rights Movement. He faced violence from  white racists, government surveillance and harassment. The FBI constantly wiretapped his phone and tried to hinder the movement. 
         Martin Luther King founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957. He served as president and was the most dominant figure in the organization. The plan was to collaborate with the NAACP on legal matters to dismantle segregation through the courts. Pressure would simultaneously be applied by demonstrations, boycotts, marches, and other forms of non-conventional participation. King believed in civil disobedience and had a strong conviction in Christian theology. The March on Washington was a turning point in 1963. His "I Have a Dream" speech urged a nation to provide equal rights for all. His efforts in Birmingham Alabama created enough momentum for the development of a civil rights bill. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 would become law due to the bravery of protesters, civil rights organizations, and King's leadership. The Selma marches and the struggle there resulted in the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  Even though these laws were a blow to Southern Jim Crow , the North had just as much racism and discrimination. King was in even greater danger when marching in Chicago in 1966. White liberals abandoned him including president Johnson. His criticism of the Vietnam War added more enemies against him and the movement. 
      The late 1960s became more turbulent. King spoke out against the Vietnam War, because it represented an extension of racism. A white country attempting to impose its will on  an Asian nation clearly demonstrated a grave violation of international law. Martin Luther King's religious beliefs and support for nonviolence would not allow for him to accept this US foreign policy decision. Another concern for King was that the war was draining valuable  financial resources . The War on Poverty was being weakened  because of  Vietnam. Poverty King saw as another human rights issue. Economic justice needed to be just as much a priority as civil rights. He was assassinated in 1968 and his dream of  a peaceful society ended in violence. He became a martyr for social justice. 

Further Reading

Appiah, Kwame and Gates, Henry. “Martin Luther King Jr.”. Africana Encyclopedia.
             New York :Perseus Books Group,1999. 1096-1097

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Why the United States Wants to Harm Russia

Since 1991, the United States has been the most powerful nation on Earth. The United States does not want potential challengers to global hegemony. Russia, because of its location becomes a pivotal foreign policy point. Whichever nation controls the Eurasian landmass will dominate the globe. Russia is in a geopolitical position to be a major world power in international affairs. The US is not willing to share power with other countries. Russia reemerging after Soviet collapse has created a new wave of hostility. Even without international Communism, the US still views Russia as an adversary. Russia could be a counter balance to unrestricted US unilateral military intervention. Russia opposes NATO, which advances the agenda of Western powers. The last major reason the US wants to harm Russia is its political  advantage in Central Asia. If the US continues to antagonize the Russian Federation mass global conflict will be inevitable.
      Russia can at times act as a balance against US aggression. One instance was the civil war in Syria. The United States and its NATO allies were attempting to invade. Their justification was based on the concept of responsibility to protect. The proposed removal had nothing to do with human rights, but power. Removing President  Bashar Al-Assad was a way to create a government compliant to Western interests. Simultaneously, it would reinforce Israel's position in the region and give the West access to Syria's oil reserves. Russia rejected this proposal at the United Nations. Learning from the grave mistake of supporting Resolution 1973, they chose diplomacy. Russia has tried to organize dialogue between government and opposition figures. The United States made no such effort. Instead they began to arm certain groups that would later develop into the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Segrei Lavrov, the   Russian Foreign Minister  has made multiple efforts to end the civil war in Syria. There is even rumors of the possibility of a transitional government. As ISIS advances across Iraq and Syria, the United States still seeks regime change. The US threatened Syria with airstrikes, if it decided to use chemical weapons. The country may not have had a full arsenal, but materials that could produce chemical weapons. Russia then decide to convince President Assad to dispose of them. This time violence was not the answer, but skillful diplomacy. Russia by making peace invoked the wrath of the United States once again.
           Another desire to harm Russia is to maintain the NATO alliance. NATO was formed to counter possible Soviet aggression during the Cold War. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, there is no purpose for its existence. However, it was restructured in terms of foreign policy perspectives. NATO now has transformed into an armed force for multilateral intervention to further imperial objectives. NATO aggression in Yugoslavia was an example of how to dismantle a country. The same model is being used in Ukraine. Internal instability in Ukraine has been used as an excuse for NATO expansion. Russia considers Ukraine its area of influence and responded by aiding separatist rebels. What this means is Ukraine is collapsing around ethnic lines. Russians in the East are being displaced because of ethnic violence between Russians and Ukrainians. Presenting Russia as malevolent gives NATO purpose. There was an agreement in 1997 that NATO would not expand. Since that time there have been numerous interventions across the globe.  Russia is then presented as a horrible oppressor by mass media. Now, there is talk of a "new Cold War." Europe and America are attempting to make Russia a new international threat. This has no basis in fact, but irrational scare tactics. It deflects away from the fact that Western nations are the biggest perpetrators of violence.
               Russia's geographical access to Central Asia is critical. Central Asia contains huge amounts of oil and natural gas. The United States is a big consumer of  oil and natural gas. Other world powers are competing to accumulate as much of these resources as possible. The reason is that these resources are not infinite. At some point they will be depleted. The US, China, and Russia are trying to aquire as much oil as they can before it is gone. That is why Central Asia is important. Russia has formed  the Eurasian Union. Belarus and Kazakhstan were the first to join this new organization. If it is efficient and has a lucid  foreign policy focus, it could challenge the EU. This would be troublesome for the United States, because Central Asia is pivotal to its "War on Terror." Central Asian countries could fall out of the orbit of the US-NATO alliance. That would include easy access to natural resources. Pivotal military bases could potentially be in jeopardy. Losing control of the Eurasian landmass would mean that the US could no longer remain supreme hegemon.
                The US continues to pursue a policy of sanctions against Russia. This was due to actions in Ukraine after the departure of Viktor Yanukovych . This has nothing to due with human rights or democratic reform. The United States is engaging in subversion. It does not want any competitors,even if the world is becoming multipolar  in terms of power. The US would most likely prefer that the Russian Federation be weakened. The idea of a country that could challenge US power is irksome to Washington. If this bullying continues, there will be a reaction. Remember that World War started as a result of rival alliance system. It is a possibility it could happen again.