Globalization has caused major economic, social, and political transformation. While there have been positive benefits from the rise of an international community, there have been more extreme reactions.The rise of xenophobic nativist nationalism has been a reaction to globalism as an international force. These sudden changes include supranationalism, mass migration, and the effects of neoliberal capitalism. This reaction can be seen in the West and wider Eurasian region. It also has a presence in Global South nations, with various countries becoming more suspicious of one another. The result is a world falling further into tribalism and balkanization. Old fault lines are emerging causing geopolitical shifts. It must be understood that xenophobic nativist nationalism is both a movement and political ideology. Like other belief systems it has a specific set of attributes. The reason for its rise is not only due to globalization, but the historical events of the past. European colonial empires, neocolonialism, and humanitarian intervention have contributed to the increase in various extremist groups globally. Discord, inequality, and the general state of frustration among the world's population has created conditions for far-right movements to flourish. The collapse of the Soviet Union also created more complications in terms of the geopolitical structure. Countries may no longer be aligned by an specific political ideology rather, a strict adherence to identity politics. If this continues only more international division and conflict will occur. Animosity has become political capital being used to justify policies that would otherwise be condemned. Xenophobic nativist nationalism can be at times a nebulous concept, but there can be a more broad description based on the behavior of particular nations.
Xenophobic nativist nationalism can be defined as the fear or hatred of foreigners combined with extreme patriotic devotion to a nation-state. This ideology elevates one nation above others advocating ethnocentrism. Native culture and customs of a particular nation is considered superior to foreign ones. Migrants and immigrants are perceived as problems or security risks. Racism and scapegoating are common characteristics of xenophobic nativist nationalist sentiment. Immigrants have been blamed for crime, harming the labor market, or exacerbating political edge issues. The demands of assimilation are not based on the goal of full integration into society. Assimilation means in the context of xenophobic nativist nationalism that foreigners completely relinquish their cultural and ethnic identity or forget their heritage in order to conform. The demand for conformity represents how some countries deem their culture and customs as superior. The desire of xenophobic nativist nationalism is to produce a state that is racially and culturally homogeneous. The ideology rejects internationalism, multiculturalism, and leftist political beliefs. Xenophobic nativist nationalism opposes globalism for other reasons, different from anti-imperialist advocates. The position is that globalism encourages mass migration and undermines national culture in favor of an international one. Supporters of this type of nationalism hold the conviction that immigrants should not be treated with dignity or respect. This projects itself in a number of human rights abuses. Indefinite detention, separations, and over crowed facilities are common place for nations with high immigration. Although supporters of xenophobic nativist nationalism do not describe themselves as fascists, many far-right organizations, hate groups, and white nationalists use this movement to advance their own political agendas with in the political movement. The mainstream xenophobic nationalists intolerance want to distance themselves from the extreme right, however they still support their ideas and advance their causes in a furtive manner. These concepts are only the basics of a growing political ideology of xenophobic nativist nationalism.
What gave birth to xenophobic nativist nationalism was a combination of economic shifts and the international political culture. Neoliberal capitalism had not only exploited the labor of the developing world. It also put workers in the West at a disadvantage. Transnational corporations outsourced their labor to countries that had a labor force willing to work for less pay and benefits. Simultaneously, this effected people in the West at lower income levels. Working class whites who were to a degree, protected from major economic changes because white supremacy guaranteed a safety net. When that was challenged, many of this group felt left behind. The collapse of the Soviet Union made neoliberal capitalism the dominant economic system, but this did not improve the conditions of the general population globally. One reason mass migration has reached astronomical levels is that people from Asia, Latin America, and Africa cannot sustain themselves financially. They have become economic refugees and the West becomes a destination for some form of safety. Germany and particularly the eastern section is an example of how xenophobic nativist nationalism can blossom under harsh economic conditions. East Germany did not benefit from reunification and capitalism. Unemployment and hardship induced hatred directed at various immigrant groups from 1990 to present.
What gave birth to xenophobic nativist nationalism was a combination of economic shifts and the international political culture. Neoliberal capitalism had not only exploited the labor of the developing world. It also put workers in the West at a disadvantage. Transnational corporations outsourced their labor to countries that had a labor force willing to work for less pay and benefits. Simultaneously, this effected people in the West at lower income levels. Working class whites who were to a degree, protected from major economic changes because white supremacy guaranteed a safety net. When that was challenged, many of this group felt left behind. The collapse of the Soviet Union made neoliberal capitalism the dominant economic system, but this did not improve the conditions of the general population globally. One reason mass migration has reached astronomical levels is that people from Asia, Latin America, and Africa cannot sustain themselves financially. They have become economic refugees and the West becomes a destination for some form of safety. Germany and particularly the eastern section is an example of how xenophobic nativist nationalism can blossom under harsh economic conditions. East Germany did not benefit from reunification and capitalism. Unemployment and hardship induced hatred directed at various immigrant groups from 1990 to present.
Turkish, Vietnamese, and currently Muslims are viewed with suspicion or enmity. The reason why supporters of the xenophobic nativist nationalist movement are increasing in number is that their economic situation has not improved after the 2008 financial global crisis. Fiscal austerity measures and failure to regulate international finance capital has resulted in the European nations projecting their anger through various fringe movements.The international political culture also raises concerns. This specifically describes a mode of global affairs thought in which every nation should be part of a supranationalist organization. Such a proposal is not entirely outrageous, but the problem arises from the question of national sovereignty. The European Union dictates which criteria nations have to meet to be and remain members in the international body. These conditions could range from human rights concerns, refugees, or economic policies. The question of which nations take refugees become a contentious one. Countries that have limited resources to deal with the influx of migrant traffic become more frustrated, when it appears that the wealthier nations on the continent do less in comparison. This has been Prime Minister Vicktor Orban's argument as he has used it to move Hungary to the far-right. Differences over refugee policy and the conduct of the EU have energized the far-right in Europe. The EU has a vision in which all countries in the organization ascribe to a set of political and cultural values. This includes embracing neoliberal capitalism, liberal democracy, multiculturalism, and multiracial societies. The countries that advocate xenophobic nativist nationalism do not embrace such values,because they equate it to the destruction of their identity. The only value they embrace is the economic aspect in which neoliberal capitalism would still be a part of the society, but it would only function for the nation and specifically the ruling class. The International Monetary Fund and World Bank have made the economic system benefit the ruling elite of European nations. The economic nationalism of the new political movement wants to concentrate the wealth in a certain state only without sharing with other nations. This explains why President Donald Trump's economic nationalism resonates with conservative voters in the United States of America.
The sentiment is that immigration has caused a financial strain on the US and by reducing illegal immigration jobs and economic stability will return. These are falsehoods, but they seem to be factual to those on the American right. President Trump as constantly stated that various nations including US allies have exploited the country. Part of international political culture is adopting a capitalist only system with a strong emphasis on free markets and limited protectionism. The IMF and World Bank are presented as institutions designed to help the global economy, but various observations show that they have become instruments of economic exploitation. A large part of globalism is economic, not only politics and international affairs. Workers now find themselves competing for jobs not just within their own nations, but the entire world. Simultaneously, poverty continues to increase around the globe. Citizens of various countries want an explanation to economic challenges, but do not comprehend the complex nature of the international economic conditions. Immigrants become targets and are scapegoated for struggles in certain countries. The reason fascism became so popular in Europe in the 1930s was due to the Great Depression. The economic factor related to the rise of xenophobic nativist nationalism cannot be ignored.
One aspect of international political culture that has made such a far-right ideology popular is the attempt to impose liberal democracy around the world. This has been done through military intervention or economic warfare. Humanitarian intervention merely covers neocolonial designs by dominant world powers.The use of sanctions in an arbitrary manner demonstrates attempts at isolating particular nations who do not adhere to a conformist international political culture. The world then becomes divided between liberal democracy and states designated as rogue states. Even when certain countries are compliant relative to a dispute, they still are harassed. Iran has not violated the nuclear agreement, yet the US has imposed more sanctions to harm Iran's economy. Regime change has been a part of US foreign policy and it has had devastating consequences. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Somalia have been subject to US military intervention. It is not only the United States that wants to impose political systems on foreign nations, but its allies. France and the UK also are involved in the movement to impose liberal democracy on African and Asian nations. North Korea has been sanctioned by the UN and other US aligned countries, even though this country struggles with intense poverty. From a military perspective, they would not even be a substantial threat. It would take years to build a formidable arsenal and doing so could bankrupt the country. Zimbabwe still remains under sanctions, even through Robert Mugabe resigned. No matter what these countries do they will be subject from some form of attack under the principle of democracy promotion. This is not the promotion of freedom, rather an attempt to maintain the neocolonial order. There are repercussions from such behavior. The dramatic increase in war refugees may not be manageable. The migrations from Africa and Asia will continue as long as the military interventions continue.
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This map shows data acquired from 2016 from the Emergency Response Coordination Centre |
NATO has changed its role from being a defensive military alliance to an active war force. The United Nations with should be a forum for peaceful resolution has become an institution that authorizes military strikes. The failure to provide a framework for the ongoing civil war in Syria and the Saudi-Yemen conflict demonstrates the inefficiency of the institution. This mass movement of people from various foreign countries provides a justification for xenophobic nativist nationalism. While such advocates do not condemn warfare, they ignore the reason why there are refugees in the first place. Neoconservative foreign policy, military intervention, neocolonialism, and world power competition have created the refugee crisis of the contemporary international landscape. The xenophobic nativist nationalist argument is framed as if immigrants merely come to exploit the many resources of more prosperous lands. This myth constantly is repeated. There are numerous push and pull factors which force people to leave their countries of origin. Economic and political factors are the two major forces that cause people to flee. Warfare and political oppression force migrants to get asylum seeker status. Knowing this, xenophobic nativist nationalists should be ant-war,just on the basis it creates refugees. They still advocate strong armies and warfare, yet want a strategy that does not cause blowback. President Trump once stated that the interventions in Iraq and Syria were misguided, however reversed these positions when he became president. The reason is that even advocates of xenophobic nativist nationalism realize that strategic interests are essential, if the US wants to remain the world's sole superpower. Xenophobic nativist nationalism should not be confused with the isolationism of the Interwar era of the 20th century. The US is still very much involved in global affairs and will be more involved in the continent of Europe. Isolationism is complete disengagement from international affairs. Advocates of the new far-right movement want some involvement in global affairs just as long as agreements solely benefit their nation only. This is the philosophy of America First. Allies and the collaboration between them should result in America getting more of the benefits rather than an equal exchange between two partners. What is also being seen is the struggle between globalism and national sovereignty. This has been a contentious issue when member states of the European Union debate about what do about refugee and migrant traffic.Securing borders and which countries supply asylum may place more burden on smaller member states. There is a direct correlation between the political establishment's nation building projects and the promotion of western modeled liberal democracy and the rise of xenophobic nativist nationalism.
Xenophobic nativist nationalism is not exclusive to the West. There are African and Asian nations that have experienced a surge in such ideological sentiments. South Africa had cases of xenophobic violence prior to the emergence of the political movement. The year 2008 saw acts of xenophobic violence directed at immigrants in South Africa. The attacks have not subsided in the last ten years. There continues to be tension between immigrants from Mozambique, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and other parts of the African continent. Economic turmoil once again is an explanation for such scapegoating. However, this may be more of an expression of the dangers of identity politics.
Supporters of xenophobic nativist nationalism claim they must defend their identity as a nation and race. Immigrants to such supporters represent a type of threat. The argument from a South African supporter is that other groups from other parts of the continent are exploiting the country's resources and diluting its national character. This is an argument of ethnocentric nationalism. The desire to make nations racially and culturally homogeneous is a goal of the xenophobic nativist nationalist movement. Decolonization throughout the world brought much hope and high political expectations. The problem was the dream of developed and countries free from former colonial masters has not fully materialized. This explains why leaders of various developing nations may either incite ethnic tension to distract from political and social issues. China also could be experiencing xenophobic nativist nationalism particularly with its emphasis on the promotion of Han Chinese identity. Tibetans and Uighurs are facing racial discrimination and harassment. The favoritism of the Han Chinese above the fifty-six recognized ethno-linguistic alienates others who would otherwise love to contribute to Chinese society. Xenophobic nativist nationalism will inevitably lead to ethnic conflict. Myanmar although in a process of political reform is embarking on a campaign against the Rohingya. The Burma people similar to the Han Chinese do not see their minorities as being a part of the nation. Ethiopia has similar situation in which the Oromo ethnic group also faces exclusion. This is why civic nationalism should be promoted rather than ethnic nationalism. Internal conflict could be used as a justification for military intervention of the West. If the global south is to rise it must reject the current political wave of xenophobic nativist nationalism.
The disturbing phenomenon about xenophobic nativist nationalism is when it emanates from the US or Europe it has the goal of internationalizing white nationalism. Although they reject internationalism, they do not oppose organizing globally. White nationalism has infiltrated the international political mainstream. It is incorrect to call this Trumpism, because such a movement and concept existed before his election. The white nationalist movement has the same ideological perspective of the xenophobic nativist philosophy. There is one slight difference. Normally, xenophobic nativist nationalists say they oppose illegal immigration. White nationalists despise immigration even if it is legal and would prefer that those who do come are from European countries. Unsubstantiated claims that their is a "white genocide" or an "attack on western civilization" are commonly articulated in white nationalist publications. This message has become more popular in Australia, New Zealand, the US, and on the European continent. Steve Bannon who was a chief political strategist for Donald Trump has made efforts to spread xenophobic nativist nationalism into mainstream politics. White nationalist populism is attempting to make itself presentable to voters in western liberal democracies.
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Steve Bannon |
The desire to eliminate all immigration is not articulated publicly, but in secret this is the goal. Through legislation certain groups would be targeted. The US continues to struggle with preventing voter suppression and the reason it is favored by the extreme far-right is that it works in their political favor. By excluding non-whites from the political process, the white nationalist populists get closer to making a white only nation-state. the first step is to stop immigration from African, Asian, and South American countries. Legal immigration would be slowly be dismantled and would be only for people of European origin. The United States under the Donald Trump administration has been attempting to experiment with this in his travel ban. Syria, Somalia, Libya, North Korea, Iran, Yemen, and Venezuela are selected for this travel ban. Previously, Sudan, Chad, and Iraq were included on the list. Xenophobic nativist nationalism is certainly nothing new to the US. The Immigration Act of 1924 in which northern Europeans were favored over other races was an example of such sentiment. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was another instance of anti-immigrant and racist policy designed to preserve white supremacy in the United States. The demographic shift in America has alarmed many whites in the US and the response has been to become advocates of xenophobic nativist nationalism. Suddenly, figures like Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor who are major figures in the white nationalist movement are gaining wider exposure. Both supported Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election. Taylor and Spencer are both known for their scientific racism and anti-immigrant policies, but many of their ideas are adopted by President Trump. What such individuals want is a ethno-state for whites only. The concept ethno-state has been experimented with, yet it has occurred in the most unlikely place. Israel has under the far-right government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has introduced the nation-state law, which would reduce Arab Israelis to a second class citizenship status. Israel under the policies of the Likud Party have become more strict and harsh in regards to the treatment of immigrants and refugees. Somalian, Sudanese, and Ethiopian migrants are forced into detention centers.
Oddly, factions of white nationalists praise Israel's racist policies because it is a model of ethno-state. White nationalists who many would normally have anti-semitic sentiments, praise the Jewish state due to the notion that they are fighting "the Muslim menace. " Islamophobia has become a major form of political mobilization in the European and American far-right. To them Israel through its inhumane treatment of the Palestinians shows that it is a worthy ally in the fight against what they call the "Islamization of Europe." The white nationalists who are part of the neo-Nazi political ideology view Jews and Israel as part of the problem. They blame Jews for immigration policies and liberal politics, which they claim have destroyed society. This faction of the white nationalist far-right claims that "cultural Marxism" and "Zionist occupied governments" are at war with western civilization. These accusations are nothing more than the same anti-semitic conspiracies that were espoused in the 20th century.
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Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor |
David Duke represents the faction that still holds anti-semitic beliefs in the white nationalist movement. Such organization like the National Policy Institute or fringe groups would not have had much political traction two decades ago. The negative consequence of social media is that such groups and organizations can form faster and more efficiently. The establishment political structure fails to comprehend the xenophobic nativist nationalist movement. They either ignore it or remain complicit in the potential risk. The left does not have an effective strategy of countering the extremist movement that threatens freedom itself. Observers of politics mistakenly label this movement as populism, but this is far more complicated. The movement is a mixture of extreme far-right politics, social conservatives, racists, hate groups, capitalist supply side economics advocates and right-wing conspiracy theorists. The traditional conservatives and neoconservatives are solely being phased out by this movement. Steve Bannon wanted to remake the Republican Party and was then defeated. His removal from the White House demonstrated that the faction of established conservatives are not going to be phased out without some political confrontation. Xenophobic nativist nationalism may have more success in European countries as more frustration at the European Union continues to grow. France and the UK are facing a xenophobic nativist nationalist current. Marie Le Pen's attempt to win the French presidency caused a level of trepidation in European political circles. Her National Rally Party has embraced anti-immigrant rhetoric and ideas. The party was originally known as the National Front when it was founded by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen. The National Rally has been known to be opposed to multiculturalism with Islamophobic overtones.
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Marie Le Pen |
Even though she lost the French presidential election, her party still seems to resonate with those who are vexed about the political and economic situation in Europe. Economic nationalism wants to make capitalism work for certain nations, not the entire globe. This is what Le Pen emphasizes to voters. There is a possibility that she could run again and win. The rise of the UK Independence Party under the leadership of Nigel Farage saw xenophobic nativist nationalism come to the mainstream in British politics. Other extremist groups existed prior to the UK Independence Party's rise such as the English Defense League. The problem with neo-fascist, hate groups, or far-right organizations is that they use violence and intimidation not realizing this is not an effective public relations strategy. Farage when he was leader of the UK Independence Party used his knowledge as a broadcaster to make far-right political views more palatable. He condemns the EU on the grounds of economic nationalism. Although Nigel Farage is no longer head of the party he continues to be a part of the Leave Means Leave organization and is a large part of the Brexit movement. Such lobby groups are having an influence on Prime Minister Theresa May who is pushing ahead with negotiations for the UK to leave the European Union.
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Nigel Farage |
Xenophobic nativist nationalism is being fueled in Europe by euroscepticism and the possible loss of national sovereignty relative to European integration. Questions of immigration, economics, and law become more complex under a system of supranationalism. The movement of xenophobic nativist nationalism does not want European integration in the context of the EU. There is a Pan-European movement that is emerging from xenophobic nativist nationalism. This concept envisions an ethno-state functioning on white nationalist political philosophy. The dream is to go back to a period in which the European countries dominated most of the world. While there is a move to internationalize white nationalism, there has been a dramatic change in the international landscape. China has become more powerful and is gaining more influence in the developing world. African nations have seen economic growth, although the majority of the population has not seen the benefits. The European population compared to the African and Asian population is small. The desire to reestablish a white supremacist world system would certainly fail considering these realities. However, that does not make this new movement any less perilous. Even though they style themselves as being moderate in presentation, their political ideology encourages violence. The path to creating the ethno-state which they desire would require mass deportations, segregation, and etnic cleansing. Hatred's logical conclusion is genocide. Hopefully, white nationalism's attempts at international appeal will dissipate with active resistance.
The West has been going through an identity and confidence crisis in an era of uncertainty. When there is economic turmoil and political confrontation, the public look to explanations for a rapid decline of a functional society. Globalization has not only made the contact between people of different cultures easier, but also has led to political globalism. Not all nations want to adopt this system mainly because it demands that each one adheres to particular stipulations that may not benefit the member state, but the supranational organization as a whole. The West convinced itself that liberal democracy and neoliberal capitalism were the only and ultimate economic as well as political systems. The collapse of the Soviet Union caused many unintended consequences in terms of global affairs. The United States erroneous thought it would remain the sole superpower. The older ethnic conflicts reemerged around the world in countries such as Yugoslavia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Burundi, and Rwanda. Identity and ethnic politics became more of a force in the international sphere when the world was no longer divided between a communist east, a capitalist west, and non-aligned states. The West during this transition from 1991 to 2008 saw a high amount of cultural and international political dominance. The global financial crisis and the rise of a multipolar world system saw a crisis in confidence in the West. China is becoming a major world power through economic growth and its extensive foreign relations with other global south nations. Russia has made a comeback in terms of power under the leadership of Vladimir Putin. The West is struggling to navigate a world which is rapidly changing. Many are unwilling to accept an international political order in which the West is not predominant. Such a nation energizes the base of the xenophobic nativist nationalist movement. The politics of fear is a larger motivating force. A Russian and Chinese rise in international affairs induces has caused a level of panic in the American and European populations. Xenophobic nativist nationalism can utilize anti-Russian and sinophobic sentiment to their political advantage. This scapegoating of immigrants and foreign nations provides a convenient cover to the actual problems of society. Poverty, war, and corrupt government are sources of various issues facing the European and North American countries. The US, UK, France, Italy, Germany, and other EU countries have failed their people in terms of trust and providing efficient governance. This is explains why mainstream establishment political parties will struggle and why more extremist ones will be more attractive to irate citizenry. Uncertainty about the global market, mass migration, and potential international conflict only empowers xenophobic nativist nationalism.
Xenophobic nativist nationalism may seem like a temporary political phase. Yet, it is clear that there has been a shift in political culture. Far-right fringe movements are now being seen as credible in political circles on both sides of the Atlantic. Globalism, neoliberal capitalism, liberal democracy, and supranationalism have not produced a stable or liberated world. Instead it gave birth to a more extreme political movement that parallels another in the 20th century. Fascism arose from the devastation of World War I and the Great Depression. Economics has been a catalyst for the xenophobic nativist nationalist movement, with a large portion of working class people who have been left behind in the global economy. For them, there has not been economic recovery. Desperation and anger have been projected into this new wave of far-right extremism. The fascists of the 1930s and 1940s realized that people would follow them if they promised a revived economy and a stronger state in which they could be proud of. Xenophobic nativist nationalism articulates taking a country back to another time in which they had prestige and respect. America First is more than just a simple slogan; it is a declaration of exploiting the world to one nation's benefit. Britain's Brexit negotiations also utter this sentiment. Advocates want to leave the EU, but still want the benefits that come with being a member state. Although contemporary xenophobic nativist nationalism is a new phenomenon, there can be solutions developed to counter its rise. The political left must organize effectively. There continues to be a divide between centrist and progressive ideological factions. The election of extreme far-right political figures demonstrates that centrism is not enough to defeat such candidates for public office.The leftist should embrace their more progressive faction to attract voters who normally would not be active. Another policy that should be implemented is ending the state of permanent warfare. Humanitarian intervention has caused the increase in refugees and asylum seekers. At some point it will not be possible to accommodate refugees fleeing from war zones. Military interventions must stop to adequately handle the refugee crisis. Peaceful resolutions rather than armed conflict is a better alternative. A new immigration policy must be implemented with a pathway to citizenship. If this is not done more detention centers and immigrant camps will be established. A series of humanitarian disasters will congest an already broken immigration system in both the US and Eu countries.Once these issues are dealt with, xenophobic nativist nationalism can be defeated. If effective resistance cannot not be organized against this political movement, then xenophobic nativist nationalism may become a serious threat to nations in which it is active.